Page 29 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 29

everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you   To complicate things, a “witch doctor” and his
           do.  Remember that the Lord is coming soon.  Don’t worry   compadres paraded around the building site daily,
           about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God   chanting and dancing.  However, at night, when the
           your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.’”    group held church services, the witch doctor and his
           Geneva's diligent work ethic through the years earned   cronies would take off all their war paint and slip into
           her significant recognition in 2014, the YWCA “Women   the Christian services to observe. When the church was
           of Excellence Award" in Business.                    finished, the local inspectors said it was the most well-
                                                                built building they had ever inspected.
           Percy and Geneva helped found Trinity Baptist
           Church many years ago.  Around that time, at age 30,   Today, at 98, Geneva Boren continues to enrich and
           Geneva was elected president of the Lubbock Baptist   encourage the lives of all around her and eagerly awaits
           Association. She has taught countless Sunday School   the next adventure God
           and Bible classes over the years.  The couple also made   has for her. An appropriate
           many trips to various mission fields in far-off places like   description of Geneva is
           India, and South and West Africa.                    found in Psalm 92:12, 14:
                                                                “The godly will flourish like
           Geneva recounts a fascinating story about one trip   palm trees ... Even in old age
           whose mission was to build a church on the west coast   they will still produce fruit;
           of Africa – in the “boondocks”.  Their group was made   they will remain vital and
           up of businesspeople, farmers, and other professionals.    green.” Remarkable!
           A builder was slated to accompany the group but had
           to cancel at the last minute, so the crew had to figure
           out how to build the church by themselves, including                             Geneva Boren with Virginia Cagle
           making their own concrete bricks.

                                         This ad is generously sponsored by the Boren family.

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