Page 30 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 30

                                                     TO  Serve

          A New

          Name and a

          NEW LIFE

           By Eric Creel

                                               “We had stayed
            Words from an adoptee:
                                               with strangers
                                               before, and I
             n December of 1955, in a small    wondered if we
             town outside of Abilene, Texas,   were going to see
          IInez Baucum and John White          strangers again.
           from The Children’s Home of         Would I ever see
           Lubbock came to see us. They        Mommy again?
           seemed to be nice people, but I was   Did I do something
           apprehensive. We were told they     bad? Did I not take
           were going to take us somewhere     care of my sister
           … myself (5), my sister (3), and my   and brother right?
           brother (1). I remember looking     What was going to happen to us?     family forever. We even got new
           back through the rear window as we                                      names! I chose the name Mary. We
           drove away and wondering exactly    “When we reached the strangers'     were the first three children to be
           where we were going and what        house, it was so nice. It had an    adopted through The Children's
           would happen to us.  We drove to    indoor bathroom with a bathtub.     Home of Lubbock.
           a store in town, and the nice people   And I had never seen such a      “Our lives were changed forever.
           bought each of us new clothes. I    beautiful bed, complete with sheets   Our parents were Christians and
           got a beautiful new dress and shoes   and pillows and a bedspread! As I   taught us all about God and Jesus.
           and probably a coat, too, as it was   walked through this lovely home, I   I have never been, nor will I ever
           winter. The dress was so pretty, I   thought they must be rich to have so   be able, to express the depth of
           could hardly believe it!            many nice things.                   gratitude knowing that God reached

           “The trip that day seemed oh, so    “As it turned out, these strangers,   down and saved us when he
           very long. I wondered why we        Jim and Irene Powell, were a        brought us to live with the Powells.
           had not yet gone back home to our   married couple who were unable      I think often of just how fortunate I
           mother.  She had not felt well since   to have children of their own. They   was when ‘those people’ came to my
           our brother was born - something    took all three of us to live with them.   door and saved my life that day in
           was wrong with her right arm and    I was relieved I would be able to   December of 1955.”
           leg, and she did not walk the same   stay with my younger siblings and   - Mary (Powell) Carter
           as before. And then Daddy left for   make sure they were okay! The next
           good, one night after coming home   year, we all went to the courthouse
           very late. Mommy cried for a long   in Lubbock and a judge signed
           time.                               papers and told us we would be a

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