Page 28 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 28

Percy and Geneva settled into
         married life in Lubbock.  The
         couple had Sandra first, then Gary,
         and later, welcomed an adopted
         daughter, Joan, into their family.
         After Percy was discharged from
         the military, he went to work for
         the City of Lubbock Engineering
         Department, which oversaw the
         city streets and many other projects.
         Along the way, Percy attended Texas   Geneva and daughter Joan         Geneva with daughter Sandra and son Gary
         Tech and was eventually promoted     patrons as former Congressman       Boren Personnel continued to
         to Assistant City Engineer before    George Mahon came to give           flourish, and Geneva’s son, Gary,
         retiring from the City of Lubbock.   dictation to Geneva and have her    joined her in running the business
                                              type up documents for him, while    upon his graduation from Texas
         Geneva put her office skills to work,   he held her children on his lap.    Tech.  Along the way, the name of
         most notably, as secretary for the                                       the business changed to “G. Boren
         Commander of Reese Air Force         In 1961, she saw an ad that “Kelly   Personnel.” Gary always makes sure
         Base, Colonel Hess.  It was one of   Girl” was coming to Lubbock.  Kelly   people know the “G” stands for
         the best-paying civilian jobs on the   Girl was a national organization   Geneva.
         base, and Colonel Hess was a great   that provided temporary secretarial
         boss.  But one day, Geneva found     services to businesses.  Geneva     G. Boren Personnel has become
         herself wondering if there were      contacted their headquarters in     well-known for its huge, temporary
         better ways to use her talent.  She   Detroit, Michigan. The company     job business, providing workers for
         requested a three-month leave, and   flew her to Detroit and then hired   many large venues, such as Texas
         the decision set her life on a new   and trained her to open a Kelly Girl   Tech games and other events, and
         course.                              franchise in Lubbock.               for many other occasions in the Hub
                                                                                  City.  It is safe to say that Geneva
         In a rare move for a woman in        The franchise was successful for    Boren has been one of the most
         1960, Geneva borrowed $40 from       a number of years, but Geneva       successful businesswomen in West
         a businessman friend to start her    eventually realized that she no     Texas.
         own secretarial business. He offered   longer needed the Kelly Girl
         her the front part of his insurance   brand, and Boren Personnel was     What is the secret to Geneva Boren’s
         office in the Lubbock National Bank   born. By that time, Geneva had     success in life and in business?
         building. The business caught on,    been appointed to the state board   Without hesitation, she says,
         and clients lined up. Later, she     in Austin that regulates how        “God!”  “I have built my business on
         moved out of the building and into   employment agencies are run across   Philippians 4:4-6: ‘Always be full of joy
         her garage, where such notable       the state.                          in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice!  Let

        Our family is so grateful for the tremendous legacy
                   of Percy and Geneva Boren.

       With love from their children: Sandra (Boren) & Mike Sheils,
                   Gary & Lisa Boren, Joan Boren,
        grandchildren: Michael & Ashley Sheils, Amanda (Sheils)
        & Shannon Gregg, Krista (Boren) & Cody Singleton, Kari
        (Boren) & William Davis, Katy Boren, Christopher Boren,
         and great-grandchildren: Preston Sheils, Parker Sheils,
         Harrison Gregg, Elia Davis, Hannah Davis, Sarah Grace
           Davis, Saylor Singleton, Silas Singleton, Sky Boren

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