Page 26 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 26

                                                     TO  Serve


          Gets a Gift During

          CARPET TECH’S

         ANNUAL BOGO

         TOY DRIVE

                 hen we think about the      The donated
                 approaching holidays,       gifts are
         Wvisions of family gatherings,      distributed
         festive meals, trimmed trees, and   to Buckner’s                        donations when they come to clean, or
         wrapped gifts come to mind. But we all   foster families and left under the   residents can drop off toy donations
         know this Christmas vision is not the   Christmas tree from “Santa” for the   and get a BOGO coupon at the Carpet
         same for everyone in our community.   children. “These gifts offer a bit of   Tech corporate office at 6613 19th
         That’s why we have so many local    Christmas magic for children who have   Street, Lubbock.
         individuals, businesses, and nonprofits   not always or sometimes ever had this
         working together to make the season   experience on Christmas morning,”   “We would not be able to give back
         special for everyone, especially the   said Jasmin Herrera, Buckner     to Buckner each year if it weren’t for
         children.                           Volunteer Engagement Coordinator –   our customers,” said Pharies. “Thank
                                             West Texas.                         you, Lubbock, for supporting Carpet
         Carpet Tech, a long-time local                                          Tech and helping us serve each other
         floorcare, disinfecting, and restoration   Since the inception of Carpet Tech’s   so well.”
         company, is synonymous with         Annual BOGO Toy Drive, Pharies
         community give-back projects,       says Carpet
         especially this time of year. This year   Tech customers
         marks Carpet Tech’s 17th Annual     have donated
         BOGO (Buy One, Get One) Holiday     thousands of
         Toy Drive, benefitting the children   new, unwrapped
         at Buckner Lubbock. For nearly two   toys, each year
         decades, Carpet Tech has offered    giving more than
         their customers a free room of carpet   the last.
         cleaning with the purchase of another
         in exchange for a new, unwrapped toy   Carpet Tech’s
         for a Buckner child.                BOGO Holiday
                                             Toy Drive runs
         “Everybody gets a gift during our   from November
         annual holiday toy drive,” said Carpet   8th through
         Tech owner Melinda Pharies. “Our    December 18th,
         customers really look forward to the   2021. Lubbock
         opportunity to get their home ready   area residents
         for holiday company at a buy-one-   can call Carpet
         get-one discount and feel good about   Tech at 806-795-
         helping make a child’s Christmas a   5142 or visit
         little brighter.”                   their website at
         Buckner Lubbock provides campus     to schedule a
         foster homes for children. Foster   BOGO carpet
         families live in Buckner-owned      cleaning with
         cottages, providing a consistent home   their toy
         environment for children, in the state's   donation. Carpet
         custody, who may have been abused,   Tech technicians
         neglected, or abandoned.            will take toy

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