Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 24



           Marie Evans


         not        Expired!

         by Barbara Schoenrock

                    arie Evans walked into
                    the spa while I was
           Mgetting a pedicure. The           She invited me to everything. My   to and from school. While
            attendant sat her next to me, and I   life changed six years ago with   being involved with leadership,
            immediately noticed her big smile,   that “chance” meeting. It is my   organizations, and many school
            twinkling eyes and friendliness. I   honor to tell her story.       activities, she also worked in
            had just moved to Levelland from                                    a grocery store beginning her
            Fort Worth. After a few minutes,   Marie was born on her family’s   junior year. That job was her first
            I asked her, “What is there to do   farm in southern Wisconsin to   experience in retail.
            in Lubbock?”  Little did I know   Sam and Anna Hoff. She was their
            who she was, but I quickly began   only child. Her grandparents were   After teaching for a few years, she
            to get the picture. By the end of   from Norway, and all but one died   met and married Orville Evans,
            our pedicures, I held not only her   before she was born. At 10 years   an electrical engineer for Beloit
            business card but also one for    old, she learned to drive a tractor.   Corporation and later for United
            Roundtable, South Plains Food     She wore boy’s bib overalls, which   Airlines. During their marriage,
            Bank, Hospice and several others.   Marie remembers as much better   that small town girl began to
                                                    than a dress for riding the   travel around the world with her
                                                    tractor.                    husband and their four daughters.
                                                    The farm had neither        Marie’s first teaching job was in
                                                    electricity nor indoor      a one-room country school in the
                                                    plumbing until after World   late 1950s. She still corresponds
                                                    War II was over.  Saturdays   with two of her students from
                                                    were shopping days in       those years. During that time,
                                                    Brodhead, Wisconsin, six    she developed the concept of
                                                    miles away. As a child, she   Individualized Teaching. That
                                                    never went farther than 20   idea later became the basis for
                                                    to 25 miles from the farm.  her store, “Marie’s Educational
                                                                                Materials”, which she opened in
                                                    Marie’s school was a        1968 in Sunnyvale, California.
                                                    one-room classroom built    She sold primarily to teachers
                                                    in 1866. All grades were    and parents. Soon she found
                                                    taught in the same room.    herself selling to school districts
                                                    That school, although it    and doing hundreds of teachers’
                                                    has been remodeled, still   conventions all over the United
                                                    stands today. During high   States, including Hawaii and
                                                    school, she lived with her   Alaska. Those seminars for school
                   Disneyland fun: left to right - Susan, Marie,   grandmother in Brodhead   districts led to an increase in
                   Orv, Chris, Mary and Amy         on weekdays. She walked     the mail order business. Also, a

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