Page 32 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 32



           Randy Gallaway

          Legacy of a

        World Changer

          by Bear Mills | The Bear Mills Podcast

                andy Gallaway was a world     incredible. I want you to meet him   hasn’t spoken yet.”  Thirty-eight
                changer. He still is, although   and write a book about his life.”   surgeries and a year and a half later,
          Rhe stepped into eternity one                                           Randy entered university. He’d
          year ago this September.            Three years later, Death Knocking,   lost all of his right arm and his left
                                              Life Calling was published in English   hand. But instead of being deterred,
          When friends gather to reminisce    and is available on Amazon. In the   Randy was more motivated than
          about Randy, they speak about him   fall of 2018, a Chinese translation   ever to make the most of his second
          in the present tense. It’s as if he   of the book became available for   chance at life.
          might still join them to provide an   readers in that country.
          update on his latest humanitarian                                       He earned an engineering degree
          project in China. When they’re      Randy’s message was simple, but     with honors at the University
          reminded that he’s been gone a      important. “As long as there’s a    of Texas at Arlington, before
          year, they lean in, saying, “Randy’s   breath of life within you, NEVER   pursuing a lifetime of helping
          in heaven, but the work continues.”  GIVE UP.” Randy understood         others find durable hope, regardless
                                              the temptation to cash in your      of life’s circumstances. He also
          I met Randy when my daughter,       chips. During his senior year of    earned graduate degrees from
          Sarah, was attending Texas Tech.    high school in Fort Worth, he was   Southwestern Baptist Theological
          She interned with Randy and         involved in a horrendous industrial   Seminary and Golden Gate
          wife Mary Ann’s humanitarian        accident. He was hit with 38,000    Seminary.
          organization, Partners in           volts of electricity when someone
          Development Worldwide (PIDW).       turned on the power as he assisted   Randy met Mary Ann Milliken of
          Sarah called to say, “Dad, there’s   an electrician in his part-time job at   Lubbock while leading evangelism
          this guy with no arms who travels   American Manufacturing. The man     workshops at Texas Tech University.
          all over the world speaking about   he was working with died instantly.  They married in 1975. Together
          how to have hope. His life story is                                     they ministered in Dallas, Texas;
                                                            Doctors said Randy    Riverside, California; North
                                                            stood no chance       Vancouver and Toronto, Canada;
                                                            of recovery.  Fifty-  Lubbock, Texas; Mexico, South
                                                            five percent of his   Africa, and across China.
                                                            body suffered third
                                                            degree burns. It      In 2016, my wife, Caryl, and I
                                                            appeared there was    joined Randy and Mary Ann on a
                                                            only enough time      trip across China, where he spoke
                                                            for family to come    in schools and churches, met with
                                                            into the emergency    business and education leaders,
                                                            room and say          helped amputees get artificial
                                                            goodbye. However,     limbs, and worked to build hope
           Randy and Mary Ann at the                        his pastor was there   in a world where hope is on the
           soccer field where Randy spoke                   and said, “We are     endangered species list.
           to 1,000 fifth and sixth graders.
                                                            going to pray. God

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