Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 27




                                 Geneva Boren

                                   By Virginia Cagle

                od put Geneva Boren on       daddy often asked her to transcribe
                this earth August 14, 1923,   the words of President Franklin D.
        Gand she has been busy ever          Roosevelt, whenever he would make
         since, making the world a better    a speech on the radio.
         place wherever she is!  Many people
         know Geneva as the owner of G.      Geneva was named valedictorian of
         Boren Personnel, a longtime Lubbock   her 7th grade class and would have
         business, but that is only one part of   been valedictorian of her senior class
         her many-faceted life.              but was disqualified because she had
                                             not attended the school long enough.
         Geneva Devona Byrd was born in      She also worked part-time during      Aerial Engineer - Staff Sergeant
         Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, to parents   high school, earning a whopping     Percy Boren
         Leonard and Thelma Byrd.  She was   $2.50 per week.                      Geneva fondly remembers that,
         one of six children. Her sisters were                                    when she first moved to Lubbock,
         Genet and Gerena (“Toots”), and her   During her school years, Geneva also   one of the first things she did was
         brothers were Gerome, Genar, and    began her relationship with God.     join a “little dance club” that held
         Geloam.  When the kids were still   With the encouragement of a Sunday   weekly dances.  She had always
         little, their daddy moved the family   School teacher, she started reading   loved it when her parents would take
         to Spur, Texas, where his mother    the Bible, and at age 14, she accepted   her and her siblings to square dances.
         resided. That’s how Geneva became   the Lord into her life.  That’s when   The kids had to sit on stools and
         a Texan.                            she learned to tithe, giving 25 cents
                                             every Sunday from her earnings.      watch, as they were never allowed to
         During the Depression, the family                                        dance.
         was so poor that sometimes they     Geneva graduated from Spur High      She made lots of friends at the
         barely had anything to eat.  Her dad   School in 1941.  That same year,   dances, notably some young men
         worked as a janitor at a school. When   a representative of Draughon’s   in uniform, and she always had a
         he found discarded sandwiches in    Business School came to the Spur     good time.  She became friends with
         the trash cans, he would bring them   area to recruit students. Geneva’s   a particular GI, who introduced her
         home to the family to share for a   parents let her go back to Lubbock   to a handsome young serviceman
         meal. At other times, a meal might   with the man to enroll in the school.    named Percy Boren.  It didn’t take
         consist of a pan of cornbread and an   (Such a thing would be unheard of   long for that friendship to develop
         onion.                              today.) But it was all legitimate, and
                                             the school even helped her find a    into a more serious relationship. On
         Geneva excelled in school. During   little place to live while she attended.   August 22, 1941, Percy and Geneva
         high school, she was especially     Her mother remarked, “Geneva is      went to Clovis, New Mexico, along
         proficient in typing and shorthand.    going to be a businesswoman, and   with another couple, and got married
         She was so fast at shorthand that her   she is going to travel.”         by the local Justice of the Peace.

                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link  27
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