Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 25


           publishing company was                                                       publishing, and customer
           developed for teacher                                                        service. Through Mom
           handbooks. At that time,                                                     and her businesses,
           she was also involved in                                                     they received quite an
           civic activities such as                                                     education.
           Sister City, the Chamber
           in Sunnyvale, and the                                                        Carillon, a senior living
           Library Board (for five                                                      community, has been
           years).                                                                      home to Marie for the
                                                                                        past four years. She is still
           In 1983, Orv and Marie                                                       very involved in many
           moved to Southern                                                            projects in the community.
           California. She worked                                                       Her motto appears on her
           briefly in real estate. In   At Roundtable Marie presented the scholarship to Dr. Michael San   business cards.  “You don’t
                                       Francisco, head of the Honors College at Texas Tech at that time.
           1986, she started in the    He, in turn, presented the scholarship to the selected honor student.  stop doing when you get
           promotional materials                                                        old, you get old when
           field with Brown                                                             you stop doing!” This
           and Bigelow, doing                                                           amazing woman seems
           workshops for real estate agents.                   to be everywhere – laughing, learning, helping, and
                                                               contributing to make Lubbock a great place to live.
           In 1988, Marie began working for Geiger, a national   Her new job title, according to Marie, is “Retired, not
           promotional company and publisher of Farmer’s       Expired”!
           Almanac. She worked with them for 28 years.
           At that time, she was also active in three local
           Chambers and the Exchange Club of Irvine.

           Marie and Orville moved to Lubbock in
           December 2003. Four months later, her
           beloved husband passed away May 2, 2004.
           Soon after that, she became very active in the
           Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. She received
           Ambassador of the Year in 2005 and Chair in         wisdom inspired senior education
           2007. She started the Exchange Club in Lubbock
           in 2006 and, in 2007, started the Friends of        A place for
           Wolfforth Library.
                                                               seniors to
           For a number of years, Marie attended
           Roundtable in Lubbock, but in 2014, she became      belong!
           Chair.  She gathers speakers from all areas of
           interest and invites them to speak on topics        Join Lake Ridge’s W.I.S.E.
           related to the community. The purpose is to let     (Wisdom Inspired Senior
           people know what is happening in Lubbock.           Education) group for

           Roundtable meets one Saturday each month at         dinners, events, and
           Hillcrest Country Club from 11am to 1pm.            workshops on the 1  and 3                            ©2021 MKJ Marketing
                                                               Tuesday of every month.
           Marie’s family has been the most important
           part of her life. Her four girls worked in her      Topics include:
           business. Her oldest daughter, Mary, wrote         •  Health and Wellness
           about some of her experiences. “My first job was   •  Internet Safety
           in high school. It was more than a job. It was life
           lessons, not just a paycheck. When you work        •  Changes as We Age          PRESENTED
           for your mom, you gain a valuable work ethic        Call us or visit us             LAKE RIDGE
                                                                                                ha l &  emo ia   esigne
           and outside-the-box work experience.” The girls     online to learn more.
           learned invaluable skills, such as typesetting,
                                                                                                     (806) 698-8085
                                                               Event coordinator:
                                                               Laura Landes  

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