Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 12
“Professional” Omega and the Student
Senate. He served on the
board of the Student Union
and as president of Thompson
Saddle Hall. But nothing was more
enjoyable for him than being a
Saddle Tramp.
Tramp After graduating in 1970, he
joined the NM National Guard.
Following basic training at
Ft. Polk and AIT at Ft. Bliss,
he was able to transfer to the
Army Reserves in Lubbock
Jim Douglass where he served out the
remaining five years of his six-
year commitment.
His first job after graduation
by Jane Bromley was with KSEL AM/FM Radio
where he was Continuity
Director for three years.
he 85-year-old Saddle Tramps From 1974-79, he was the first
of Texas Tech have a long executive director of Lubbock’s
Trich history of supporting the Big Brother organization.
university – with so much more than As VP of Development for the Big Sisters were added during his
bells and crepe paper streamers. TTUAA, Jim is tasked with tenure. In October 1979, Dr. Bill
Their school spirit is unmatched, overseeing 75+ alumni chapters Dean, director of what was then
and every pledge class is expected across the country, directing known as the Texas Tech Ex-Student
to master a massive amount of the Alumni’s Vacation/Travel Association, contacted Jim about an
Tech history. The underclassmen Program – The Traveling Techsans opening for assistant director. “It
use their stint at the university to – stimulating membership was a tough decision for me. I have
advance their mission: “If it is for recruitment, coordinating loved every job I’ve ever had, and I
the betterment of Texas Tech, let’s community relations, organizing hated to leave BB/BS.”
work at it.” the Texas Tech University System
Day in Austin every other year, But, for the former Saddle Tramp,
Over 50 years ago, Jim Douglass and much more. One of the main it seemed like a perfect fit. Jim has
was one of them. And today, he is reasons the Alumni Association been able to travel with many of the
the Texas Tech Alumni Association’s exists is to support Tech’s academic Tech presidents as they visited the
Vice President for Development. mission – mainly, raising money various alumni chapters around the
“Basically, I’m a professional Saddle for scholarships – and Jim has been country. He has mobilized hundreds
Tramp.” The service organization doing it for 42 years now. He caught of Tech alumni to show up for Texas
had a huge influence on the young the vision for advancing the mission Tech Day to lobby state lawmakers
man from San Antonio. “The Saddle of Texas Tech over a half century on behalf of higher education in
Tramps did more to prepare me for ago, and he shows no sign of Texas. He works hard to encourage
my career than any of my classes.” slowing down. Red and black have the dozens of alumni chapters to do
That statement doesn’t take away been his favorite colors for longer their own fundraisers to provide
from the excellent education he than he can remember. TTU scholarships from their
received in the College of Business. hometowns.
(“It wasn’t the Rawls College of Although born in Corsicana, and
Business back then because Jerry raised in San Antonio, Jim Douglass For years, many Red Raider alums
Rawls and I were there at the same was destined to be a Red Raider. who have chosen to support their
time.”) He was a member of Alpha Tau Alumni Association have done so
12 Lubbock Senior Link