Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 15


                                                               In 2012, Raider
                                                               Red was selected
                                                               as the Capital One
                                                               Mascot of the Year.
                                                               And this past April,
                                                               Raider Red was
                                                               crowned the 2021
                                                               NCA (National
                                                               Cheerleading          Jim and Dinah Gaspard, Jim Douglass and
            Red Raiders gather to celebrate the 50th           Association)          Garland Weeks.
            anniversary of Texas Tech's beloved mascot.
                                                               Mascot National
           The Texas Tech Credit Union is                      Champion. Mascots      A statue of Raider Red will be
           the official sponsor of Raider Red   were judged on characterization,      erected in front of the Frasier
           providing funding for operational    skit creativity, crowd leading, dance,   Alumni Pavilion on the Tech
           expenses, uniform upkeep and         prop effectiveness, and overall       campus. Funds for the statue
           replacement, and scholarships        performance. The historic win is
           for the students who serve as        especially sweet as it coincided with   were generously provided
           mascot. Since Raider Red is highly   the 50th anniversary of Raider Red’s   primarily by the Texas Tech
           sought after, averaging about 350    creation.                             Credit Union with assistance
           appearances in an academic year,                                           from other individual donors.
           four students are chosen to wear the   All of us at Texas Tech University   Local bronze artist Garland
           costume each year. The identities    Spirit Program are proud of Raider    Weeks has been commissioned
           remain a secret until the students'   Red, and, along with Red Raiders     for the project, and it is
           tenures are up.                      everywhere, we congratulate Raider    expected to be erected in time
                                                Red on his 50th Anniversary!
                                                                                      for football season 2022.

                                                                         Texas Tech Credit Union

                                                                         is proud to be the official
                                                                         sponsor of the Raider
                                                                         Red program.

                                                                             INCE 2012, Texas Tech Credit Union
                                                                         S has proudly provided funding for
                                                                         student scholarships, program expenses,
                                                                         uniform upkeep and replacement.


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