Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 16


        TEXAS TECH                                                                    History



         by Jean Ann Cantore

              rom its humble beginnings in   Thinking back almost 95 years to    the academic mission of the
              the Roaring ’20s, through the   that momentous day, you have to    university through scholarships and
         Fhard times of the Depression,      wonder what those newly-minted      funding for campus programs.
         in wartime, during the changing     Matadors imagined for the future –
         culture of the 1960s and other      both for their own destinies and that   Member benefits include pregame
         societal shifts, as well as the recent   of their alma mater. Those graduates   access to the Frazier Alumni
         COVID-19 crisis, the Texas Tech     would not recognize today the       Pavilion; Texas Techsan magazine;
         Alumni Association has evolved, yet   organization they started, except for   an annual calendar; a nationwide
         remains strong, thanks to dedicated   the enduring school spirit.       chapter network; a legislative
         Red Raiders.                                                            network promoting the university
                                             “Since our first graduating class, the   and a travel program.
         The first 26 graduates of Texas     Texas Tech Alumni Association has
         Technological College, the Class    had a long history of support from   A strong social media presence
         of 1927, formed the association     alumni who are willing to reinvest   includes an interactive association
         May 30, 1927, immediately after     in their alma mater,” says Curt     website. Facebook, Twitter,
         commencement. Their goal was to     Langford, president and CEO of the   Instagram and LinkedIn heighten
         remain in touch with their school   TTAA.                               communication. Also, TTAA now
         and with each other.  E.W. Camp                                         offers the Techsan Connection, a
         was elected the first president.    Today, Texas Tech alumni loyalty is   private alumni networking format.
                                             more vital than ever. TTAA supports
                                                                                           “No university is stronger
                                                                                           than the combined
                                                                                           support of its alumni,”
                                                                                           Langford says. “All gifts,
                                                                                           small or large, help boost
                                                                                           the association and, in
                                                                                           turn, the university.”

                                                                                           Until the 1940s, the
                                                                                           association held
                                                                                           strong with a growing
                                                                                           membership and alumni
                                                                                           gatherings. Except for
                                                                                           some chapter events,
                                                                                           activities came to a
                                                                                           standstill during World
                                                                                           War II. In 1946, several
          Class of 1927 (Texas Techsan magazine flies)

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