Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 10
Don ’ t
F Forget
T ThatWe
Joyce Arterburn
by Don Arterburn after the game because his
parents had driven in from
Ranger to watch the game,
and this gave them a car to
oyce Arterburn started early She generally talked quietly, even use for a date. When she finished
becoming a specialist in in front of a large classroom, so her her undergraduate degree, she
Jeducation. Her parents were students paid particular attention to moved to Denver, Colorado for her
teachers: her father was a principal what she was about to say. She was first teaching job.
back when the job was part social flexible but fair Jr. went to play
worker, pastor, banker, and medical in her approach football for the
advisor, and her mom taught first to teaching and Chicago Cardinals,
grade for decades. Joyce started first considered it her and they ended up
grade but moved to Denver City, fault if someone back at Tech after
skipped a couple of grades and was wanted to make getting married.
placed in a third-grade class. Her a good grade and They built a house
teachers and best friend were very came up short. close to campus,
helpful, but she struggled to keep She joked that her and they were the
up and make such a big transition. tombstone should last house on that
She must have determined then read “She Died side of the city for a
that it was important to consider Trying!” because while. She still lives
the unique situation of each student she always put in that house and
in a classroom because this was such great effort has lots of flowers
her superpower for close to fifty into her craft. that she watches
years of teaching. "Ms. Art" won over with care.
teaching awards and the favor This past Oct. 9,
of thousands of students in her when Texas Tech Joyce also watches
Elementary Methods of Teaching played TCU, it over her three
Physical Education classes at Texas marked the 70th anniversary of children and their families. She
Tech. Her favorite prompt was, “I her first date with Jr. Arterburn. has eight grandchildren and three
want you to know”, and she still has He was the quarterback of the great-grandchildren. “Memaw”
a wonderful way of conveying her first Tech team to beat TCU. They is a natural and has the same
thoughts to anyone ready to listen. were able to go on a double date superpower of connecting with each
10 Lubbock Senior Link