Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 34


          Talk of  a

         Lifetime                     by Laura Landes

              oday, we are busier than ever before.  We
              are bombarded by an enormous amount of
         Tinformation from newspapers, magazines,
         television, radio and the internet. We communicate   Having the talk of a lifetime can make the difference
         by text, email and social media and our emotions are   of a lifetime for you and those you love.  Sharing old
         relayed by emojis     .  Our conversations are kept short   stories about friends and family, our childhood, our
         and sweet to avoid any delays in our busy schedules.    accomplishments, and our hopes and dreams helps
         Although this seems to meet the supply and demand    us understand what matters most.   It’s also a time for
         of our fast and furious lifestyles, it can also wreak   listening and for learning from those closest to you.
         havoc with our personal and social interactions and
         relationships.                                       We offer a variety of tools and resources designed to
                                                              assist you in getting these conversations started, letting
         In spite of being more “connected” technologically than   your loved ones know they matter and how much they
         ever before through social media and other means, we   mean to you.  Let us help you and your family have the
         are more “disconnected” emotionally than we have     talk.
         ever been.  We share information with our friends and
         family via Facebook and Twitter, rather than face to   Share your life story with the ones you love.  Have the
         face, and for most of us, good conversation is truly a   talk of a lifetime today.
         lost art.  Unlike social media, which can be filtered,
         photoshopped and altered to put our best foot forward,
         face-to-face encounters expose the real person, allowing
         us to see one another as we truly are.

         Being in the funeral industry and coming face to face
         with raw emotion on a daily basis, I have learned a
         great deal about the power of human touch.  A warm      Wisdom Inspired Senior Education
         embrace, holding another’s hand, or simply a pat on
         the back can be a healing experience.  It is through the   Free Educational Workshops at Lake Ridge Chapel the 1st & 3rd
         power of this physical bond and the experience of such        Tuesdays of most months - Taught by Local Experts
         emotions that relationships and true understanding are                    March 3rd - 5:30pm
         manifested.                                                         Alina Seright - Omni Pilates - Owner
                                                                                Mindfulness and Meditation

         How often do we talk - I mean truly talk - without                        March 17th - 5:30pm
         cellphones ringing or televisions and radios blaring in               Laura Smith - Owner, Restore
         the background?  We are living in a world of constant         Restore: A Drug Free Approach to Health & Wellness

         stimuli.  Long gone are the days of porch swings, lawn               April 7th - 6pm - Special 2hr event
                                                                                 Laura Landes – LRCMD
         chairs and campfires.  Likewise, the days of heartfelt         Mardi Gras at the Chapel: Planning Your Own Party
         conversations and stories of “the good ole’ days” are                    Dinner will be provided

         becoming rarer.  Due to this change over the last couple                  April 21st - 5:30pm
         of decades, how well do we know the individuals with                     Corp. Sam Reedy - LPD
         whom we share our lives?                                                 Knowing Who to Call

                                                                                    May 5th - 5:30pm
         Of course, we all know about the big moments, as               Jennifer Anderson, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office
         most often, they are the ones we share. But it’s also                Auto Theft & Burglary Prevention

         the small events along life’s journey which truly shape                   May 19th - 5:30pm
         us.  Without telling our story through conversation, we                  Doug Clements – LSO
                                                                                     VIN Etching
         cannot really know one another.  Lake Ridge Chapel
         and Memorial Designers would like to encourage you                   Please RSVP for each Workshop
         and your family to have the talk of a lifetime.                 Laura Landes | 806-698-8085 |

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