Page 37 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 37
program and currently has these classes, so you are very
over 1,000 members among likely to enjoy the people
all locations. The Lubbock who attend class with you,
OLLI location offers over 100 as they share your interests.”
classes with spring, fall and Courses are developed
summer semesters. OLLI by peers with the goal of
members can choose from a providing a high-quality
wide array of courses from learning experience
art and science to history accessible to all. In addition,
and technology, dinner and OLLI membership provides
a movie, or wine and food an opportunity to continue
tastings. Students generally to learn and expand mental
explore subjects they may capabilities as members
have been interested in for grow older. It also offers
years but simply didn’t have new friendships and social
time to study. interactions with members
While some courses are who bring a lifetime of
taught by current or retired professional and personal
professors, many instructors experience to class.
are local professionals with “I don’t view OLLI as an
an expertise they choose to organization that just offers
share with those who have classes,” states OLLI at TTU
similar interests. member and volunteer Terri
“These experiences are Navrkal. “OLLI allows me to
priceless,” said OLLI at TTU learn for the fun of it. I don’t
instructor, Larry Hess. have to worry about grades,
“I enjoy the folks who attend homework or tests! I am a
my presentations. They lifelong learner, and OLLI
wouldn’t be there if they allows me the opportunity
weren’t interested in the to learn about a number of
subject, so they are ‘my kind topics and be involved in the
of people’ and ready to have community.”
a good time. “If you like adventure, like
“Whatever your relationship meeting new people, and
with education has been like learning for the fun of it,
in the past, forget that,” OLLI is the group to join,”
states Hess. “OLLI is about she said. “It’s never boring,
pursuing topics and interests and the best part of all, there
you have right now or have are over 50 classes offered
had for years but have not each semester. How could
had the time to devote to it. anyone pass that up?”
Everyone chooses to be in
Lubbock Senior Link 37