Page 30 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 30

2 2                           HONORING SENIORS

          Senior                Senior

           Clay Stout

          Speaking of

          Power, Love,

          and Self-

                                            time I was injured, we lost our coach. I   Spirit God gave us does not make us
          Discipline                        had been coached by this man for four   timid, but gives us power, love, and
                                            years and had grown close, as a coach
                                                                                self-discipline.”  We went out and fought
                                            and player often do. We, as a team, were
                                            in a bad place. We had no coach, and to   our way back; however, we still lost
                                                                                that game by two points. But from that
                                            make matters worse for me, I couldn’t   moment on, a switch was flipped in my
                                            even play.  I went home and instantly   mind to trust Coach and trust what God
          by Taelor Nicole Sadler           fell to my knees in my bedroom in   was doing.
                                            prayer.  I asked God, “Why?”  How
                                            could this be happening?  It had been   Skipping forward to the playoffs - we
             oach Clay Stout, my basketball   such a troubling time, and we had   made it! Everyone had begun to notice
                                                                                the small Christian school that made
             coach, has made and continues to   finally gotten to the sport that I loved   playoffs, but everyone also thought
       Cmake a significant impact on my     just to lose it all.                that we couldn’t do anything with a
       life. My story actually begins the year   The following week we struggled, but   playoff berth.  However, God made
       before I met him.                    the team pushed through. The next   a way for our tiny Christian school

       It was my freshman year, and we had   week, a man walked into the gym and   to make it all the way to the state
       just lost to our district rivals, missing   called us all into our locker-room. He   championship game.
       a seat in the basketball playoffs. I was   said, “I’m Coach Clay Stout, and I’m   Shiner St. Paul had been the reigning
       crushed. As we ended the year, I began   here to pull something out of this team   state champions for the past few years.
       to question why I was even playing the   that has never been pulled out of you all   They were big, and they were strong.
       sport. I had been playing since I could   before.”  Truth be told, I was terrified. I   The tallest girl we had was 5’8’’, and the
       walk, but I wondered what the bigger   had never met Coach Stout and didn’t   smallest they had was 5’8”. They had
       picture was.                         know what to expect. That’s when we
                                            began to practice.                                  the athleticism and
       The next year, we started with                                                           basketball knowledge
       volleyball, and it was not a good season.   Coach Stout coaches with his “hair on        to destroy us. We
       We suffered with divisiveness and    fire,” which is what we needed. He                  had never been to the
       tension. It was a time of unsettledness   gave us no time to look back on what           State Tournament
       and unrest. I longed for the first day of   had happened. The next game was              and had no idea what
       my favorite sport.  Finally, basketball   Homecoming, and we were down by                we were up against.
       season arrived. Everything felt right,   twenty points at halftime. He pulled            At halftime, Shiner
       until the first game when I was seriously   us in and told us that, if we wanted to      lead by 27, and we
       injured. I hurt my back, requiring a trip   win, we had to trust his coaching and        walked into the
       to the emergency room.  I was unable to   never give up. He went on to quote             locker room, beaten
       play for a couple of weeks. During the   II Timothy 1:7 which says, “For the

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