Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 38

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          Senior                Senior                                       Randy Nesbitt

                                                                             The Best


                                                                            by Elena Dowell

         I                                    describing made up lands and places,   love of peace and his love of animals
            remember that, every time I slept
                                                                                  today when he wakes up early to eat
                                              imaginary people and animals, he
            over at my grandparents’ house,
            my granddaddy would tell me
                                                                                  in his backyard.
         stories before I went to bed. I would   now tells me the stories and tales of   breakfast outside and watch the birds
                                              his life, as well as some of mine as he
         ask for just one more and just one   has watched me grow up.
         more until it was really time for bed.                                   My granddad was in the Army for
         I still love listening to his stories,   My granddaddy, Randy Nesbitt,   three years. He doesn’t always talk
         although they’re a little different   was born on August 12, 1955, on    about it, but when he does, he tells
         now that I am eighteen. Instead of   Amarillo Air Force Base. His parents   a few stories that make my family
                                                       were William and Dotsie    laugh. He remembers that the only
                                                       Nesbitt, and he had an     class in an air-conditioned room was
                                                       older brother and has a    First Aid. Since he was a firefighter
                                                       younger sister. Because    and an EMT at his fire station before
                                                       his dad was in the Air     going into the army, he already
                                                       Force, the family lived in   knew everything the class was trying
                                                       Amarillo and Lubbock,      to teach. So, instead, he used that
                                                       in Massachusetts, and in   time to fall asleep. The third time he
                                                       Germany. One thing he      fell asleep, the commanding officer
                                                       remembered about living    woke him up and told him that he
                                                       in Germany was finding     should be able to save the officer’s
                                                       ruins and barbed wire      life. Granddaddy responded that he
                                                       and small bomb craters     already could and explained that he
                                                       from World War II, when    was a fireman. Then he was asked
                                                       he played outside. A       outside. My granddad thought he was
                                                       favorite memory of his     in big trouble, but he was given an
                                                       from growing up was        ice-cold coke and was allowed to skip
                                                       visiting his uncle’s farm in   out on the rest of class. He thought he
                                                       the summer. He loved it    got away with it, but the next time, his
                                                       because there were many    commanding officer made him teach
                                                       animals and because it     the class instead of taking it!
                                                       was quiet. I still see that

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