Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 36


                                                                                             received from the Bernard
                                                                                             Osher Foundation.
                                                                                             In recognition of its
                                                                                             affiliation with the Osher
                                                                                             Foundation and as one
                                                                                             of several such institutes
                                                                                             nationwide, Texas Tech
                                                                                             Lifelong Learning was
                                                                                             re-named Osher Lifelong
                                                                                             Learning Institute (OLLI)
                                                                                             at Texas Tech University.
                                                                                             Texas Tech was among
       Older Students Learn                                                                  the first 70 institutions
                                                                                             to receive funding for
       for Learning’s Sake                                                                   its program. The Osher
                                                                                             network now consists of
                                                                                             124 member institutions
        with OLLI at Texas Tech University                          By Daniel Johnson        with at least one institute
                                                                                             in every state, five being
                                                                                             in Texas.
            he Osher Lifelong Learning       opportunity to explore exciting topics
            Institute (OLLI) at Texas Tech   and pursue new interests.            After years of serving only the
       TUniversity allows individuals        OLLI began as a continuing education   Lubbock area, OLLI at TTU expanded
       50 years of age and older to take a   program at Texas Tech University     the program to include locations
       variety of non-credit courses. These   in Lubbock as Texas Tech Lifelong   in Abilene, Fredericksburg and
       students learn for the fun of it. No   Learning for the 2002-2003 school   Marble Falls.
       tests, no grades, no papers ... just the   year. In 2008, endowment support was   OLLI at TTU is a member-driven

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