Page 29 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 29

pointing out the good in the person   Something else I admire about her   Phyllis is. The way she treats others
           being talked about. Another thing   is how her life strongly reflects her   displays how the Lord graciously
           about Phyllis that truly inspires me   values. Phyllis has a love and a   loves us. I hope to be someone with
           is how she never lets difficulties   trust for the Lord that is rare. Her   the strength, kindness, and faith that
           harden her or make her bitter. Often,   heart is a reflection of the heavenly   my “Geegee”, Phyllis, possesses.
           trials make people mean, but I can   Father. Phyllis states, “Anything
           honestly say that, even through    that is good from me comes from
           everything she has endured, she is   Christ. Without Him, I am a mess!”
           one of the kindest people I know.             This statement shows how humble

            Article Submitted by
            by Madelyn Mandry                                  TRINITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL

               Madelyn Mandry attends Trinity Christian High School. She plays guitar, writes songs,
               and leads worship at school and at church. She also loves to run. She plans on attending
               Belmont  University  in  Tennessee,  majoring  in  songwriting  and  minoring  in  music

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