Page 39 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 39
One of my favorite stories is how he met
my grandmommy. One Sunday morning Medicare Supplements
at church, while on leave from the Army,
a little boy came up and kicked him in
the shin. He says that a pretty young lady David B. Lewallen
came up and apologized because that
was her kid. They talked, and he got her independent agent
phone number. But he was still in the
Army, so he would have to call her on a 2815 74th St P.O. Box 53957
pay phone. He couldn’t wait to get back lubbock, texas 79423 lubbock, texas 79453
again to marry her. Granddaddy and (806) 792-7510 fax (806) 799-8153
Grandmommy got married on December
13, 1983, and then he went back into the
military for six more months. In June 1984, Doing business locally for over 38 years
he came home and was able to be with
his new family.
Family is still one of the most important
things to my granddaddy. He says to
spend as much time as you can with
family and that the kids are going to
remember the time you spent with them
much longer than they’ll remember the
stuff you gave them. His favorite thing to
do right now is play with his grandkids.
What I’ve learned from him, as his oldest
grandchild, is that, if you have Jesus in
your life, like him, then you’ll have work
ethic, honesty, and love in your life. My
granddaddy is definitely full of love.
I have always felt so loved by my
granddad. When I was younger, he sat
through every ballet recital I was in.
Now, he comes to watch me on stage I’m stressed. Strong and quiet, you never have to doubt or
in theatre and on the basketball court. He is one of the worry about him leaving. He not only loves and supports
only people who does not get bored when I talk about me, but everyone in my family, in whatever we need. I am
my favorite painters and sculptors. As I go through my so grateful to, and for, my granddad. Granddaddy, thank
senior year, he supports me when I’m excited and when you so much for everything. I love you more than you
could ever know.
Article Submitted by
Elena Dowell attends Kingdom Preparatory Academy. She has been involved in
basketball, track, theatre, and student congress. She loves painting, drawing, and pretty
much anything that involves art. She also loves speaking Spanish and loves travel and
other cultures. Her parents are Paul and Amy Dowell. When she graduates, she will
attend Harding University. She hopes to study International Business and Languages.
Lubbock Senior Link 39