Page 33 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 33
because they don’t criticize. They do was resolved the next day and was me that she takes credit for them
almost everything together, but they not discussed again. being responsible and motivated to
do have and enjoy separate hobbies. succeed. Her greatest satisfaction in
For example, Dee likes to play golf, They had two daughters: Staci and life is seeing her family grow and
and Retha likes to shop or bake. One Shelli. Staci was born August 29, succeed. I have recently learned
thing that she told me that really 1971, and Shelli was born September that my gram’s life was much
impressed me was that they have 28, 1973. Retha always says she and more eventful than I ever realized.
only been in one fight in almost 52 Dee were very fortunate to never I will always appreciate how she
years, and it occurred soon after they have any tough times. They both has always been there for me and
got married. Dee had a friend come worked hard, and each daughter supported me as a baby, through
by on a new motorcycle and invited helped pay for her education. She sickness, all of my football games and
him to go for a ride. Retha thought is very proud of Shelli for holding all my powerlifting meets. She does
it was too dangerous, but he went down three jobs while she was all this without expecting anything in
anyway. She became angry, but it attending Tech. She often tells return. I am forever grateful!
Article Submitted by
Logan Duncan is a senior at Lubbock-Cooper where he plays football and is a part of the
powerlifting program. Some other hobbies he enjoys outside of school are working out
and playing video games. He plans on going to South Plains College for the first two
years to get his basic courses, then attending Texas Tech thereafter.
Lubbock Senior Link 33