Page 28 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 28
when she battled breast distinct memory of her
cancer, Phyllis was selfless encouraging me in difficult
and remained positive times as a young girl. She
despite her diagnosis. She kindly reminded me of how
claimed that the Lord filled life goes through seasons.
her with peace from the Everyone goes through good
minute the doctors told her seasons and bad seasons, and
she had cancer to the point we must remain constant
of being cancer free. Even through them, for we know
though chemotherapy almost they will not last forever. She
took her life on multiple encouraged me to keep my
occasions, the Lord gave head up because good times
her strength. The prayers are ahead. “Joy comes in the
of her church, family, and morning,” in the midst of
friends encouraged her, and newness and change. She has
she credits God for carrying also encouraged me with so
her through. By the grace of much wisdom. She reminded
God and His healing power, me that I need to love myself
she has been cancer free for where I am right now and
almost 13 years now! Praise to soak up the journey as I
the Lord! go. She encouraged me not
to join in on negative talk
Phyllis is an amazing about people but rather
encouragement to those to find ways to turn the
around her. I have a very conversation to positive by
28 Lubbock Senior Link