Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 25
took him nearly four hours to find
where his place of business once
stood. It was totally demolished.
He worked late nights and long
days helping get power back on
in people’s homes and businesses.
There was no running water, so
when he got home, he’d put his
swimsuit on, take a bar of soap and
jump in the apartment pool to clean
off. Restoring power to the Lubbock
community took a long time, but
he was in it for the long haul. With
a passion to help others, Tom and
Barbara put down roots here in the
806! Their Lubbock LEGACY was
just beginning.
That dark time in our city’s past
helped illuminate the path that Tom
and Barbara would journey. They
launched an electrical business
that serviced the city of Lubbock
and surrounding communities Sonshine Promises, for 17 years. Sonshine Promises moved into
for nearly 40 years, Tom Mandry Barbara, having a heart and a seven states and many sites locally.
Electric. Tom Mandry was and passion for grieving children and Churches, community centers,
still is a master electrician, while adults who have suffered loss due treatment facilities and after school
Barbara served as bookkeeper for to death, divorce, separation, or programs all benefited from the peer
the company. Its small beginning abandonment, wrote a curriculum support groups that were facilitated
in their home quickly grew into a to address the needs of the hurting. by Sonshine Promise leaders.
thriving business, largely due to the The ministry provided training to Tom and Barbara are not only
integrity, work ethic and excellence small group leaders and specific hardworking, but they have
they provided. Tom Mandry curriculum for each age group. integrity, kindness
Electric became a household name and selflessness. And,
and the one to call for all electrical yes, they are the best
needs, from small residential to big grandparents I could
commercial jobs. Years of dedication have ever asked for.
to friends, employees, customers, I was given the name
service, and family became the MANDRY, and it is a
legacy of Tom Mandry Electric. name that I will strive
Tom not only ran a thriving to live up to. It’s a
business, but he was also a mentor to name with a legacy
the men who worked for him. Those attached to it. Legacy
young men grew into mature, loyal, means putting a stamp
knowledgeable and hardworking on the future and
electricians who ultimately took making a contribution
the reins of the company that Tom to future generations.
and Barbara had built from the My grandparents are a
ground up. living legacy. They have
and still are invested
Tom Mandry Electric was also in their community,
generous enough to provide office church and family. I am a
space for the nonprofit ministry, beneficiary.
Lubbock Senior Link 25