Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 27

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           Senior                 Senior

                                                                             Phyllis Lunsford

                                                                              On a



                                                                              by Madelyn Mandry

              f I were to describe Phyllis    probation department as a secretary   did just that for her own kids. One
              Lunsford with just one word, it   for 33 years. She displays courage   of the most traumatic trials Phyllis
           Iwould be “encourager”. I saw      and kindness that is inspiring to   faced with great perseverance and
           this at a very young age when we   all who get the pleasure of meeting   forgiveness was when, at the age of
           were sitting on the back porch,    her. She is someone I look up to   23, her brother was killed by a man
           our ears filled with the sounds of   because, although she has faced   while in the Navy on shore leave.
           birds chirping, and the light breeze   many trials and difficulties, she   Although she had three young
           brushing against my skin. That was   continues to press on and run the   children at home, she went to San
           the first of many times my “Geegee”   race laid out before her. I aspire to   Juan, Puerto Rico with her brother’s
           gave me encouragement about the    have the strength and kindness that   new bride for the murder trial.
           days ahead. As we were looking     she displays so gracefully. The thing   She explained that seeing the man
           forward to my tenth birthday, she   I love most about her is how she   who killed her brother was oddly
           lifted my spirits and told me about   takes a difficult situation and uses it   healing. She could see the inner
           how much she loved being ten. It   for good.                         turmoil within him. She explained
           is funny how these memories stay                                     that it was then that she accepted
           with you through the years and how   Phyllis’ childhood, at times, was   the outcome, forgave the man, and
           such a small conversation has stayed   difficult because of the many trials   found the peace of the Lord.
           with me and encouraged me.         that her family faced. Enduring
                                              these difficulties made her       Many people use the phrase
           My grandmother, Phyllis, carries   determined that she would make    “turn lemons into lemonade.” I
           herself with a kindness that catches   sure that her family knew that   believe Phyllis is an example of
           the eyes of those around her. She   they were loved unconditionally.   just that. She takes the sour things
           is a grandmother to four, a mom to   This strengthened her own family.   of this world and allows them to
           three, and an amazing wife. She has   Phyllis saw how important it is to   strengthen her and encourage the
           worked for the Federal Courts in the   have a strong marriage, and she   people around her. For example,

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