Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 24

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          Senior                Senior

                                                                      Tom & Barbara Mandry

                                                                      Living Up to

                                                                      the Legacy

              by Mandry Cox

                   ot air balloon pilots and   and honesty, faith and family. Tom   after graduating from Texas Tech
                   Harley Davidson riders! My   and Barbara Mandry are not only   University. Barbara was working
           Hgrandparents are a dynamic       devoted to one another and their   for a law firm as a receptionist. They
           duo! And when considering a senior   family, but they are also passionate   were committed to putting down
           whom I admire most, I can’t help but   about our community and the people   roots in this city. They felt like it
           think of these two - my Grandma   in it.                            was a great place to raise a family;
           and Grandpa. This Valentine’s Day,                                  they were ready to start living the
           they celebrated 50 years of marriage.    Tom and Barbara moved to Lubbock   “American Dream” together.
           50 years of life experiences, ups and   right after marrying in 1970. Tom
           downs, support and love, integrity   worked as a journeyman electrician   A couple of months after their move,
                                                                               Tom and Barbara found themselves
                                                                               in the path of the May 11 tornado
                                                                               that took 26 lives in Lubbock. Tom
                                                                               narrowly escaped being a casualty of
                                                                               the tornado by seconds as he came
                                                                               in the door after moving their car
                                                                               to protect it from what he thought
                                                                               might be hail damage. They saw
                                                                               almost everything around them
                                                                               destroyed. The U-shaped apartment
                                                                               complex on 10th and University
                                                                               Avenue was right in the path of the
                                                                               tornado! It blew down half of the
                                                                               apartments. A church shielded their
                                                                               side of the complex and ultimately
                                                                               saved their lives.
                                                                               Tom reported to work the morning
                                                                               after the devastating tornado. It

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