Page 23 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 23

in her life. She realized that though
            they were gone, she was thankful to
            have had them in the first place.
            After she married my grandfather,
            Bobby Neal Fulks, in May of 2000, I
            was born. Quickly taking me under
            their wings, both Bobbie and Bobby
            took on the challenges of raising a
            new grandchild, encouraging my
            creativity, and making me laugh
            along the way. A new grandchild,
            however, necessitated hard labor,
            a loving demeanor, and relentless
            patience. Nevertheless, they handled
            all these situations very well.
            They taught me the importance of
            togetherness, to appreciate where   My grandfather passed away,     the world through her positive
            I came from, to never forget the   leaving a legacy of bravery,     perspective on life.
            experiences and memories that have   contentment, and originality for me
            molded me, and to relax. These    to cherish. It was then I witnessed   Bobbie has always taught me to be
            values have helped me enjoy life’s   the strength and courage Bobbie   optimistic. Looking on the bright
            little blessings.                 had in coping with his death and the   side has ultimately allowed me to

            Although my grandparents had      deaths of her other family members.   obtain enjoyment, self-satisfaction,
                                                                                knowledge, and perseverance. Due
            their arguments and bouts of ego   Her character has impacted       to her ability to demonstrate these
            with each other, they enjoyed their   my family’s hearts and minds,   qualities through adversity, Bobbie
            special moments. Taking trips on   reminding us to remain strong and   Lee Loflin, is my special Senior.
            their Harley Davidson motorcycle   tranquil in times of distress.
            through the forests and towns of   Bobbie carries her husband’s legacy
            northern New Mexico, Bobbie recalls   and touches the lives of my family.
            the vivid orange and red leaves that   We gain strength and courage from
            fell gracefully beneath the Harley’s   her deeply held values of God,
            tires. She also enjoyed taking the   family, friends, and honesty. She has
            boat out to Lake Sumner and fishing   embraced her experiences, remained
            until the orange, yolk-like sun   true to her roots, maintained my
            touched the horizon.              grandfather’s legacy, and viewed

            Article Submitted by
            Kyle Shipp                                                 FARWELL HIGH SCHOOL

               Kyle Shipp, a Senior at Farwell High School, has played the trumpet in his school band
               for eight years. He founded the Farwell High School Newsletter Club and continues
               as the president. As an active student, he participates in UIL, FFA, Student Council,
               National Honor Society, and volunteers for his community. His hobbies include reading
               nonfiction  books  and  writing  articles.  Kyle  will  pursue  his  passions  of  design  and
               innovation by majoring in mechanical engineering, with a minor in computer science
               at Texas Tech University.

                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link  23
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