Page 83 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 83

Don Ferree                     Korean War Survivor and

                                                               Hero among Us

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                                                            we were 17 years
                                                                                            old and talked
                                                                                            our mothers into
                                                                                            signing for us. The
                                                                                            Navy wouldn’t
                                                                                            take us, but the
                                                                                            Army needed
                                                                                            guys in Japan (as
                                                                                            part of the Army
                                                                                            of Occupation),
                                                                                            so they took us.
                                                                                            Later, they found
                                                                                            out how young
                                                                                            we were and
                                                                                            sent us home. I
                                                                                            reenlisted at Ft.
                                                                                            Ord, California on
                                                                                            March 23, 1948,
                                                                                            when I was 16,
                                                                                            and got sent to
                                                         the enemy during                   the 2nd Infantry
                                                         WWII.) My oldest        Division. After eight weeks
                                                                                 of basic training, we were
                                                         brother, John
                                                         Jr., was a Navy         shipped out to Osaka, Japan.
                    on Ferree of               Corpsman and served in            It took us 13 days to get there
                    Crosbyton considers        New Guinea during WWII.           on a troop transport. I was
            Dhimself lucky to have             Another brother, Bob, was         assigned to the 27th Infantry
            survived the brutal fighting       an aircraft mechanic in           Regiment, 25th Division.
            in the early days of the           the Marines. My younger
            Korean War.                        brother, Douglas, retired as a    “In August 1950, I was sent
                                                                                 to Korea and assigned to the
            His life began in 1932, far        captain in the Air Force. All     9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd
            from the battlefields of           four sons were veterans.          Infantry Division, Company
            Korea. He was one of five          “I attended Hoover High           B. We landed in Pusan and
            children born in San Pedro,        School in San Diego. I            began working our way
            California to John Eugene          played football, basketball,      north 60 miles. We were only
            and Margie Ferree.  “He            and baseball, but only went       fighting the North Koreans
            had met my mother in Long          through the 9th grade. I          in those early days. We had
            Island, New York. My dad           wanted to be a Navy man           them whipped; they were
            had a long Navy career and         like my dad and brother.          on the run. I remember
            was involved in both WWI           When I was 15, me and a           that I could see Manchuria
            and WWII. He spent time            buddy who was 14, tried           from my foxhole. It was a
            in Alaska and served on            to join the service. We had       very desolate-looking place.
            the USS Richmond (the only         some made-up papers from          Nothing would grow on it.
            WWI-era ship to engage with        a real estate agent saying

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