Page 80 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 80

ceLeBratinG 10 YearS         VeteranS


                                                           The nonagenarian  “On August 29 2017, a crowd of
                                                           is pretty humble    friends, family, veterans and well-
                                                           about his           wishers [attended a] ceremony
                                                           accomplishments,    at the Silent Wings Museum in
                                                           not least of        Lubbock.  Three highly decorated
                                                           which are his       Navy men came to honor former
                                                           technological       Navy ARM2C (Aviation Radioman
                                                           skills. He          2nd Class) Andy Winnegar.  While
                                                           developed the       all three outranked Winnegar at
                                                           website and         the time of his separation from
                                                           Facebook page for  the Navy in 1946, all were in awe
                                                           the Market Street   of his service record.  Andy was
                                                           Geezers – a group   receiving the Navy’s 8th highest
                                                           whose name he       medal, the Distinguished Flying
                                                           coined for the      Cross, six additional Air Medals,
           “In 1967, I moved to Lubbock and                loosely organized   and the aforementioned citation –
           opened Lubbock Stereo Center.     coffee klatch of veterans who     presented in large part because of
           The Lubbock Tornado hit in        meet every Monday morning at      the meticulous records Winnegar
           May 1970, and soon after, I       9:30 at 50th and Indiana.         kept.
           sold the business. Susan and I                                      [Andy] was humble about the
           divorced in 1971. In September    Epilogue: Before flight school,   awards.  He said, ‘I don’t feel like
           of 1977, I married Dolores        Andy spent 11 days in San         a hero.  The heroes are still out
           Adame. She had five children.     Francisco on per diem. He had     there in the Pacific – the real ones
           Together we have seventeen        to report to the Naval Office     who gave everything.’   Andy’s
           grandchildren and ten great-      of Officer Procurement at 0800    wife Dolores spoke for all of us
           grandchildren. Soon after         every morning. It was three       when she said, ‘I’m very proud of
           we were married, I became         years after discharge before he   him.  I call him my hero.’”
           a Publishers Rep for Hearst       received the $1.80 per day the
           Business Publications.            Navy owed him. “I thought that
                                             was bad, but it took seventy
           “My training and experiences in   years for my DFC and six Air
           the Navy gave me opportunities    Medals to catch up with me.”
           in several fields. My radio
           training prepared me for an       Larry Williams, with help from
           Amateur Radio License; mine       Bobbi Hanson from Rep. Jodey
           was WA5GXS. My flight training    Arrington’s office, was able to
           prepared me for a Commercial      help obtain the long overdue
           Pilots License 669238. Last       medals for Winnegar in 2017.
           November, I turned 95; my wife
           is ten years younger, and we      The following is an excerpt           anDY winneGar
           are both in good health. I would   from an upcoming book by             is 99 years old.
           hesitate to go back and change    Larry Williams and Katherine
           anything.                         McLamore:

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