Page 79 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 79

July 24, 1944:     Sept. 23, 1944:
                                            D-Day Tinian – We   Ulithi D-Day
                                            landed on Saipan   More like a 3-minute campaign. Ulithi was deserted.
                                            at dawn and picked
                                            up Capt. Gatlin.   On October 11, 1944, while the ship was undergoing
                                            We were over the   repairs at Manus Island, Andy received orders to
                                            beach on Tinian at   report to flight school. He spent the next 18 months
                                            0700, and it was   in flight school and was discharged on points,
                                            being pounded.     March 10, 1946.
                                            Thirty minutes
                                            later, the first wave   His first job after discharge was in Cincinnati flying
                                            started in. They   air shows. He talked his Uncle Leo into going into
                                            were landing on two   the used car business with him. “I used the GI Bill
                                            adjacent beaches.   to borrow a couple of thousand dollars, and we
                                            Then I remembered,   opened A & L Auto Sales. Due mostly to the rising
               I was supposed to record this, and I grabbed the K-20   market in automobiles, we prospered.
               and started taking pictures. It was obvious we were not
               taking the casualties we did on Saipan.         “I met and married Susan McMahan in May 1949,
                                                               sold out to my uncle, moved to Albuquerque, and
                                                               opened A J Auto Sales. Over the next fifteen years, I
               August 1, 1944:                                 was in several automotive businesses, and by then,
               We were catapulted at 0520 with instructions to land on   we had four children.
               Saipan and pick up an observer. With Tinian secured, we
               headed south across the equator to Espiritu Santos for
               R&R or more like B and S (beer and swimming). Part of
               our time was spent getting our planes and gear ready for
               the next invasion.                                    Kincaid Roofing

               Sept. 16, 1944:
               Strike on Peleliu today. The Naval gunfire was hitting the    Proudly Salutes
               southern end of a mountain range. Several OS2U’s over
               the island directing the gun fire reminded me of our mid-
               air with the cruiser’s SOC over Tinian. We dropped our   our Veterans
               bombs and fired our rockets into a clump of trees where
               Torchy directed us. I didn’t see the actual target, but
               Torchy said we hit the intended positions.

               Sept. 21, 1944:
               I was up before 0400 this morning for the early strike
               on Peleliu. We were catapulted at 0520 with two 500 lb.
               bombs and 8 rockets.  Our target was an area in front of
               our armored cars and troops along the edge of a road. We
               bombed, fired our rockets and strafed until the target area
               was clouded with smoke and dust, impossible to see.
               Sept. 22, 1944:
               We left Peleliu and headed for Ulithi, an atoll west of Yap.
               Tomorrow is D-Day for Ulithi. It is scheduled to be a
               three-day campaign.

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