Page 81 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 81

General Update:                       Committee for Veterans Healthcare

                                                    and Support

                                                     by Brigadier General Gary Harber, Army (Ret.)

                 he Committee for Veterans     Care Facility.  An estimated 100,000   2. Preparing the requirements for a
                 Healthcare and Support        square feet will be added to the   100,000 square foot addition to the
            T(Previously “The VA Rural         existing 125,000 square feet facility.   Lubbock VA Clinic
            Health Committee”) was organized   Also, it has been recommended
            on 19 December 2009 by Lieutenant   that the VA Health Care Facility be   3. Developing information and
            General Bernhard (Bernie)          renamed in honor of LTG Bernhard   requirements for a Veterans Soldiers
            Mittemeyer to support Veterans in   Mittemeyer who passed away 25     Home to be located as near as
            the West Texas Area and adjoining   January 2023. Congressman Jodey   possible to the Lubbock VA Clinic
            states, to provide medical services   Arrington has begun the process to
            and improve the Lubbock VA Clinic.   rename the Lubbock VA Clinic.    4. Establishing a “Buddy Check
            The location on Avenue Q wasn’t                                       System” that reminds veterans
            convenient or big enough, so the   Also, the new State Veteran’s      they are not alone and connects
            construction of a new facility with   Cemetery is now under construction   them with other local veterans and
            sufficient space to meet the needs of   and is expected to be completed in   resources addressing similar needs/
            area veterans became the goal.     the last part of 2025. VLB On-Site   concerns
                                               Representative Norman Bearden
            LTG Mittemeyer contacted the other   is providing support for Pre-    5. Establishing a Veterans Court--
            Generals he knew in Lubbock to     Registration Application (TSVC     an important benefit and service to
            form a committee to help him in this   Form 5) at the front desk of the   veterans and the community
            endeavor. A decision was made to   VA Clinic and will help with the   It is so very important that the
            build a new VA clinic in Lubbock.  application process.               administrative and funding issues
            That new VA Clinic has been        Following is a list of CVHS projects   be resolved as soon as possible!
            completed, and now it is time to   that are in the planning stages:   Community support is welcomed.
            expand the facility to accommodate                                    We all owe our veterans the best
            the additional medical personnel   1. Renaming the VA Health Care     possible care for the sacrifices they
            that have recently been added and   Facility in honor of Lieutenant   have made on our behalf.
            to expand the Lubbock VA Health    General Bernhard Mittemeyer
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