Page 88 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 88

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

            FOOT                              Dr. Joe Wolcott is a Certified Wound Specialist Physician

                                              with over 10 years of wound care experience. The Southwest
            CARE                              Regional Wound Care Center bridges the gap between medicine
                                              and science to utilize the most effective and innovative wound

                oot care in seniors is essential   keep the skin soft
                for maintaining mobility,       but avoid between
         Freducing the risk of falls,           the toes to prevent
         and enhancing overall quality of       fungal infections.
         life. As people age, their feet can   4.  Nail Care: Trim
         experience various issues due to       nails straight across
         decreased circulation, changes in      to prevent ingrown
         skin elasticity, and other age-related   toenails. Seek
         factors. Here are some key points to   professional help
         consider for elderly foot care:        if unable to do it
         Common Foot Problems in            5.  Footwear: Wear
         Seniors                                well-fitting,                      reduce the risk of complications.
                                                supportive shoes. Avoid high    4.  Prompt Attention to Wounds:
                                                heels and pointed toes. Use        Treat any foot wounds
         1.  Dry Skin: Aging skin loses         socks made from natural fibers.
             moisture and can become dry    6.  Exercise: Regular exercise can     immediately to prevent
             and cracked.                       improve circulation. Simple        infections.
         2.  Nail Disorders: Thickened,         foot exercises can help maintain
             brittle, or fungal-infected nails  flexibility and strength.        When to See a Wound
         3.  Corns and Calluses: Thickened   7.  Elevate Feet: To reduce swelling,   Care Professional
             skin due to pressure or friction   elevate feet when sitting or lying
         4.  Bunions and Hammertoes:            down.                           •  Persistent pain or swelling
             Deformities caused by arthritis   8.  Professional Care: Schedule   •  Signs of infection (redness,
             or ill-fitting shoes               regular visits to Southwest        warmth, discharge)
         5.  Circulatory Issues: Poor           Regional Wound Care Center      •  Changes in skin color or
             circulation can lead to swelling   for check-ups and treatment of     temperature
             and varicose veins.                any foot issues.                •  Difficulty walking or
         6.  Diabetes-Related Issues: Ulcers,                                      maintaining balance
             infections, and neuropathy                                         •  Any new or worsening foot
                                            Special Considerations for             deformities
          Foot Care Tips                    Diabetic Patients
                                                                                Regular attention to foot health
                                            1.  Daily Checks: Inspect feet
         1.  Regular Inspection: Check feet                                     can greatly enhance the mobility
             daily for cuts, blisters, swelling,   daily for any signs of injury or   and comfort of Senior individuals.
             or any abnormalities.                                              If you have specific concerns or
         2.  Proper Hygiene: Wash feet daily   2.  Avoid Barefoot Walking:      conditions, consulting a Wound
                                                Always wear shoes to prevent
             with warm water and mild                                           Care Professional is recommended.
             soap; dry thoroughly, especially   3.  Proper Blood Sugar Control:
             between the toes.
         3.  Moisturize: Apply lotion to        Maintain blood sugar levels to

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