Page 86 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 86

Randy Thorne                         A Study in Courage and


                                                               by Randa Gray and Lauren Parker

                                                                                 his 12-month tour. This testament
                                                                                 to Randy's courage and dedication
                                                                                 underscores the sacrifices made
                                                                                 by those who serve in the armed
                                                                                 In February 1968, amidst the rugged
                                                                                 Highlands of Vietnam, Randy faced
                                                                                 a pivotal moment of bravery and
                                                                                 selflessness. While navigating the
                                               bravery on that first day earned   perilous terrain, tragedy struck as
                                               them the Combat Infantryman       two soldiers walking point were
                                               Badge (CIB), a symbol of their    killed, and another was left critically
                                               fortitude and valor under direct   wounded and immobile.
                 orn on December 6, 1944, in   enemy fire.
                 Rotan, Texas, Randy Thorne's                                    Recognizing the imminent danger,
            Blife was rooted in small-town     Retreating from the snipers, they   Randy swiftly assessed the situation
            values, nurtured by his parents,   were taken by chopper and divided   and acted with remarkable courage.
            Melvin and Wynona Thorne. Little   into platoons at another location.   Without hesitation, he dashed into
            did he know that his journey would   The chopper dropped Thorne and   harm's way, lifting the wounded
            take him far from the quiet streets   his platoon off at a cemetery where   soldier onto his shoulders,
            of Rotan to the intense battlefields   they were “horseshoe” ambushed.   courageously carrying him down a
            of Vietnam, and then back to a     They were pinned in the graveyard   treacherous hill to safety, where he
            peaceful life in Lubbock with his   for three hours, during which 17   delivered him to the lieutenant.
            wife, Kay.                         were wounded, and three tragically
                                               lost their lives. This harrowing   Randy's extraordinary bravery and
            At the age of 22, Randy's life took a   experience underscored the intense   selfless determination earned him
            dramatic turn. On October 20, 1966,   danger and sacrifice Randy Thorne   the prestigious Commendation
            he was drafted into the U.S. Army,   and his comrades faced during their   Medal with a V for Valor, a
            thrust into a world far removed    service in Vietnam.               testament to his unwavering
            from his Texas upbringing. After                                     commitment to his fellow soldiers
            months of rigorous training        In June 1967, Randy experienced   and the mission at hand. His
            and preparation, Randy found       another brush with death during   courageous act stands as a shining
            himself on a flight to Vietnam,    a patrol in the rice paddies of   example of the bravery and
            his destination one of the most    Vietnam. While walking point with   camaraderie forged in the crucible
            contentious and perilous arenas of   another soldier in the Duc Pho area,   of war.
            the Cold War era.                  Randy was struck by a sniper's
                                               bullet in his left leg. The severity   Fourteen days before Randy
            May 20, 1967, marked Randy's first   of the situation escalated when his   was scheduled to return to the
            day in Vietnam—a day that would    comrade was also hit, sustaining   United States, his platoon again
            forever be etched in his memory.   a head wound. Swift action by a   encountered gunfire in the
            As his chopper touched down        chopper evacuated them to Tokyo,   Highlands of Vietnam. During the
            on a beach, it was immediately     Japan, where they received crucial   chaos, Randy inadvertently stepped
            under fire from snipers. The chaos   medical treatment.              on a booby trap, initially mistaking
            and danger of combat became a                                        the impact for a gunshot to his leg.
            stark reality as bullets whizzed   After a period of rehabilitation   However, upon realizing his toes
            past, and the men scrambled for    and the solemn honor of receiving   were pointing backward and his
            cover. Despite the harrowing       his first Purple Heart medal,     heel forward, he knew his leg was
            circumstances, Randy and his       Randy's resilience shone through.   severely broken.
            comrades displayed remarkable      Determined to complete his duty,
            courage and resilience. Their      he returned to Vietnam to finish

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