Page 87 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 87

             With swift medical intervention from his unit's medics,   Randy Thorne's story is one   VietnaM
             Randy was carried to a waiting chopper, where he    of bravery, resilience, and
             received a shot of morphine to manage the excruciating   redemption. From the perilous
             pain. Evacuated first to Japan for urgent medical care,   beaches of Vietnam to a peaceful
             he was then transferred to El Paso, where he spent nine   life in Lubbock, his journey is an illustration of the
             agonizing months confined to a body cast.           enduring human spirit. His experiences highlight the
                                                                 sacrifices made by soldiers and the profound impact of
             Despite the challenging recovery, Randy's resilience   faith and friendship
             prevailed. He was honorably discharged from the military   in overcoming life's
             on April 20, 1969, and returned to civilian life in Lubbock,   greatest challenges.
             alongside his steadfast wife, Kay. Their journey together,
             marked by trials and triumphs, serves as confirmation of   In sharing his story,
             Randy's courage and the enduring support of family in   we honor not only
             the aftermath of war.                               Randy but all those
                                                                 who have served
             These profound experiences led Thorne to find solace   and sacrificed. Their
             and strength in his faith, turning to prayer during   legacies remind
             unimaginable circumstances. Years later, Jim Lanning,   us of the strength
             the captain of Randy's platoon, had the profound honor   found in unity, the
             of baptizing him. This act symbolized not only Randy's   power of faith, and
             physical survival under Lanning's leadership but also   the importance of
             a spiritual renewal that shaped his life beyond the   remembering and
             battlefield. Their bond and the impact of their shared   learning from our
             journey are proof of the enduring power of friendship   history.
             and faith amid adversity.
                                                                          Sergeant Thorne would like to dedicate "The
                                                                          Badge of Glory" to the 58,479 who gave all.

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