Page 48 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 48

                                                                          the FACTOR
          Car Club


             by LaVila Henry

                                                        Greg Pare                                Rick and Mary Povlich

             n the backyard of a house in    disassembled it down to the
             Lubbock, there it sat — the once   frame. The wiring harness
          Ibeautiful, powerful, muscle car   was renewed, and the engine
          — a 1967 Chevy Camaro SS from      and transmission were rebuilt.
          the first year of production. The   Then there were wheels, tires,
          engine was sitting on a railroad tie,   brakes, seats, upholstery, and
          the transmission was in the trunk,   everything else that it takes
          the tires were flat, and weeds were   to fully restore and rebuild
          growing up through the body. But   a vehicle. Finally, rust was
          Rick Povlich recognized its value,   cut from the exterior, and        The Caprock Classic Car Club was
          and the Camaro’s rescue was about   patching was done, followed by     and still is unique. Its longevity in
          to begin.                          primer and sanding. After two       the city of Lubbock is part of that—
                                             years of hard and sometimes         existing for more than 40 years.
          That was around 25 years ago,      frustrating work, it was ready for
          and, at the time, Rick had been the   paint. With “umpteen million colors   Here are some other things that set
          president of the Caprock Classic   to choose from,” Rick and Mary      it apart.
          Car Club in Lubbock for over 16    chose 2002 World Rally Subaru       To join:
          years. For the duration, his wife,   Blue and crisp white stripes. The
          Mary, served as his secretary.     beautiful 1967 Camaro SS muscle     • A vehicle can be fully restored or

          Rick’s 1958 Chevy Apache truck     car had been resurrected — given a   anywhere in the process, as long as
          took a back seat when the Camaro   brand-new life, and Rick and Mary   it is drivable.
          was retrieved, and the painstaking   were ready to show it off to their   • Every age vehicle is welcome —
          restoration began.                 car club.                           from ancient to brand new, having

          The car was in rough shape. Rick   ***                                 never needed restoration.

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