Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 45


        comfortable and at home with his     his incredible musicianship and his   at a very high level … long after they
        ready smile and his patient corrections   warmth and kindness as a person. (It   are past the stage of life where those
        (some of which he’s had to repeat way   is so special to share the stage with the   opportunities might normally exist.
        too often!)                          Lubbock Symphony.  During our most
                                             recent collaboration, my wife and I   I’ve often thought that being in the
        Before Dr. Zabriskie, the Chorale    were able to stand directly behind   Chorale is like getting to extend your
        was privileged to be under Dr. John   the orchestra and hear and feel all the   music education for as long as you
        Hollins, from whom I learned so      textures of the various instruments …   want.  Four, six, or even eight years
        much, and whose wonderful blend      quite an amazing experience!)       of education really isn’t enough to
        of artistry and technical mastery                                        fully experience the profound gifts
        has enriched and broadened my        So, back to tonight’s musings, I’m   that great choral music offers.  But for
        experience of music forever.         thinking, “Wow, all of this would   those who are willing to keep showing
                                             normally be what only college-level or   up, giving their heart and voice to this
        If that weren’t enough, we also, at   professional musicians would have the   kind of opportunity, there’s no end to
        times, have the privilege of singing   chance to experience, yet here I am!”    the rich things one might experience.
        along with the Lubbock Symphony                                          And it doesn’t matter if you’re a
        Orchestra under the direction of     And that’s the magic of what the    college student, or an old guy … like
        Maestro David Cho, for whom I        Lubbock Chorale offers.  Regular    me.
        have the highest respect, both for   people experiencing the best music

          Lubbock              Thursday, September 19- Beethoven's Choral   Saturday, April 19- Carmina Burana with the
          Chorale              Fantasy with Lubbock Symphony Orchestra    Lubbock Symphony Orchestra
          2024-2025            Saturday, December 7- Handel's Messiah     Audition Dates- August 20 and 27
          Concert              Saturday, February 21- Annual Gala
          Season               Fundraiser at the Frazier Pavilion 
                                                                            Facebook- The Lubbock Chorale

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