Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 42



                 From Pauper to

           Marcus Borhani and

                 Dawn Kelley

                     by Marita Tedder

                   hen Marcus Borhani
                   arrived in America in
         W1969, he had $200 in his
         pocket and spoke little English. As
         the youngest of six, he was the final   encouraged him to take a position in
         child to fulfill his parents’ dream of   the brand-new facility in Lubbock as
         having their children educated in    it would be a wonderful opportunity
         the United States. His oldest brother,   for him. He worked there for 22
         Rahim, picked him up at the Kansas   years when XFAB bought up what
         City airport. Within three days of his   TI was leaving. Marcus spent 18
         arrival, he was in junior college. At   years with XFAB—giving him 40
         night, Marcus sat with his Persian/  years at the North Lubbock location.
         English dictionary and wrote the     Marcus was still single in 1980 when
         translation in between the lines of   he met Dawn Kelley at an upscale
         the textbook.                        Lubbock disco: JL’s. She was 19. He

         The price of the one-way airline     was 30. She was tall, beautiful, and
         ticket and the $200 in his pocket    a great dancer. As they danced the
         was all his parents could afford.    night away, he discovered she was
         Once in America, with some help      also both ambitious and smart.      graduate school. She earned her
         from his big brother, he made his    Dawn Kelley was in her first year at   MBA in 1987 and immediately got a
         own way. Marcus worked his way       Texas Tech, majoring in journalism.   teaching position at Tech. For thirty
         through college—including three      After walking her to the car, Marcus   years, Dawn taught undergraduate
         jobs in Chicago during the summer.   asked for her phone number.         accounting.
         His diligence paid off. In 1973, he   Though he didn’t call her for two
         earned his undergraduate degree in   weeks, he quickly became a part of   Early in marriage, they bought their
         electrical engineering from Kansas   her life. He respected and admired   first townhouse. Both Marcus and
         State and his master’s in 1976.      her seriousness about her education   Dawn had steady employment—

         His school/work schedule gave him    and helped her studies by bringing   which allowed them to invest in
                                                                                  additional real estate. At many
         no time for dating. Plus, he claims:   her ice cream when the load was too   times, it seemed as if managing their
         “I couldn’t afford girls. I didn’t have   much for traditional dates—though   rental properties was their third
         the time or money.”                  dancing remained an important part   job. Today, most of those properties
                                              of their relationship. It worked out.
         He was offered a job with Texas      Dawn graduated in 1984 at the top   have been sold, and their assets are
         Instruments in Dallas. Before        of her class, and they got married   reinvested in the community.
         he started, however, they            that summer. Dawn then entered

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