Page 41 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 41


             The Reckoning                                                                Covenant of Grace, written
                                                                                          in the blood of Jesus.

                                                                                          This largely overlooked
                                                                                          event is the inspiration for
          An Overlooked                                                                   The Reckoning, an exciting
                                                                                          new play being presented
                                                                                          this summer at Ragtown
          Turning Point                                                                   Gospel Theater. Witness

                                                                                          James and Peter’s struggle
          in History                                                                      with the outrageous
                                                                                          prospect of this man, who
                                                                                          had pursued, imprisoned,
          by Chip Polk                                                                    and even killed precious
                                                                                          people Jesus had known
                                                                                          and loved, now being
                                                                                          chosen to be an apostle.
             n the years following the                                                    And beyond that, Jews were
             crucifixion and resurrection of                                              expected to accept Gentiles
          IJesus, a brilliant and ambitious                                               into the brotherhood of
          young student of the Law, Saul      deacon, Stephen, was stoned to              Christ.
          of Tarsus, set out to make a name   death. It had to be a stunning
          for himself among the Jewish        moment for Peter to discover the     It has always been our hope that the
          leadership. He launched a brutal    instigator of such a heartless murder   plays presented at Ragtown would
          campaign of persecution against     had come seeking him out. Even       allow us to see the humanity of
          those among the Jews who still      more astonishing was what Saul       Biblical figures, helping us realize
          maintained that Jesus of Nazareth   came to tell him.                    that they were not the idealized
          was the promised Messiah, the Son                                        icons depicted in religious art
          of God. People were imprisoned,     He wanted to see none of the other   through the ages, but rather people,
          scourged, and stoned to death under   apostles. Only Peter, and James,   just like us. It enables us to relate
          Saul’s direction.                   the Lord’s brother, met with Saul.   to the things they faced. We believe
                                              Day and night, over the following    it is central to our mission. Only
          Then, suddenly, his relentless      fifteen days, the man who would      one man in the Bible was different
          persecution ended. Saul of Tarsus   soon come to be known as Paul the    from us, and even He humbled
          disappeared. There were rumors      Apostle conveyed what the Lord       Himself and took on all our human
          from Damascus that he had           had revealed to him during his       vulnerabilities, so that He could
          experienced a dramatic religious    sojourn in Arabia. It was a message   experience being fully man. That
          conversion, but Saul was nowhere to   that would fundamentally change    is borne out in Philippians 2:6-7:
          be found for three years.           everything. Christianity would       “Christ Jesus, who, though He existed
                                              never be the same. The world was     in the form of God, did not count
          Peter and the other Apostles of Jesus   about to change.                 equality with God a thing to be grasped,
          remained in and around Jerusalem
          during most of that period and      Until then, only a tiny percentage   but emptied Himself, taking the form of
                                                                                   a servant, being born in the likeness of
          had managed to avoid capture and    of the world population had any
          imprisonment. Then, after years of   claim to a connection with God. The   men.”
          absence, Saul of Tarsus showed up   Jews had an exclusive covenant,      The Reckoning will be staged
          at Peter’s door.                    literally written in stone. The gates   Saturdays, July 13th through August
                                              to the Kingdom of God were about     24th, at Ragtown Gospel Theater
          The last time Peter had seen the    to be opened to our ancestors and,
          Pharisee, Saul was standing in      thereby, to us, not through the Law   in Post. For more information, visit
                                                                                   RAGTOWN.COM or call
          approval as the faithful young      of Moses but rather through a New    (877) 724-8696.

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