Page 39 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 39



                  Living Her
         Best Life

            Marita Tedder

                  arita spent most of her
                  adult life as a speaker
         Mand writer. From the late
         ‘70s until 2006, her focus was on
         relationships—specializing on “The
         Personalities” and other topics of
         interest to women. Marita and her
         mother, noted Christian speaker
         and author Florence Littauer, along   and political events throughout the   Marita’s Lubbock home, and caring
         with her sister Lauren Briggs, held   country. She wrote a weekly column   for Florence became Marita’s full-
         conferences throughout the country,   on news-related energy issues      time job.
         where they trained men and women     and was a frequent guest on radio
         to be Christian speakers and         shows. It was in this role that her   Within months, Florence’s health
         writers; thousands studied under     20th book, her first in the public-  improved to the point that she
         their tutelage, books were written   affairs genre, was published: Energy   didn’t need as much hands-on
         and published, and careers were      Freedom.                            attention—which freed up Marita’s
         launched.                                                                time. As Florence was improving,
                                              Marita’s life changed in early 2012   Marita received a call asking if
         Marita’s first book, published in    when her husband of 29 years chose   she’d remodel a bathroom for the
         1982, was called Shades of Beauty. It   to leave the marriage.           client of a realtor friend. That was
         was a book for women, focusing on                                        the start of her remodeling career—
         color, wardrobe, and make-up. Her    In October 2013, at the New Mexico   with dozens of projects completed
         last book in the personal-growth     Oil and Gas Association’s annual    each year. You can find out more at
         genre is Wired That Way (published   meeting, Marita met Chuck Tedder.
         in 2006)—a comprehensive overview    They married in late 2014, and      Sadly, a stroke ended Florence’s life
         of personality types. It is now      Marita moved from Albuquerque,      in July 2020.
         available as an audio book, and      NM to Lubbock, TX.
         Kindle Unlimited members can read                                        In Fall 2022, Marita had a dream
         it for free.                         A change in the political climate in   that, ultimately, along with her
                                              2016 opened the door for Marita     sister Lauren, launched The Best-
         In a failed attempt to save her      to return to the field of her college   Life Project—which brings together
         marriage, Marita stepped away        education: Interior Design. Marita   Marita’s lifetime of experience
         from her life’s work in 2006. She    began to flip houses in Lubbock.    and talent to create a fresh online
         was able to parlay her speaking and   After she'd completed five houses,   resource dedicated to encouraging
         writing skills into a decade-long    her mother, who was 90 at the       and equipping women over 60. The
         career, advocating for American      time, needed Marita’s help. In 2018,   site currently features more than
         energy. Marita spoke at industry     Florence moved into Chuck and       100 articles on topics ranging from

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