Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 44



          of the

             Lubbock Chorale                                                       Lest I give the wrong impression, it

                                                                                   should be said that, in the Chorale,
                                                                                   we enjoy a full spectrum of musical
                                                                                   styles and periods. In fact, one of my
         by Randall Hinds                                                          favorite concerts last year was devoted
                                                                                   to beautiful choral arrangements of
                                                                                   American folk songs.  Who would
             t feels sort of surreal … sitting here   First, there’s the music itself.  Tonight,   have guessed?  And one of our recent
             in the Texas Tech music building,   we’re working on the Mozart       concerts featured the works of local
          Iin one of the Lubbock Chorale’s    Requiem.  Last semester, it was      composers, including recent and
          weekly rehearsals, singing some of   Haydn’s Creation, and before that, the   former Chorale members.
          the greatest music ever written, with   beloved and truly glorious Handel’s
          both college-aged students and older   Messiah … and on and on.  One thing   So, there’s no end to the rich diversity
          people … like myself.               these masterworks have in common     of music we get to encounter in a very
                                              is that their composers are doing    fun, relaxed, yet strongly intentional
          It feels surreal because, as most people   something that has always boggled   environment.
          who have lived for very long can    my mind.  It’s called counterpoint,
          attest, there seems to be this crazy time   where a musical theme is presented   Second, there are the fantastic
          warp in our lives that makes events   in one voice, then, as the second voice   conductors we get to work with.
          that happened years ago feel like they   takes up that initial theme, the first   I’m sitting here tonight enjoying the
          could have taken place just yesterday.    voice begins a second theme, and on   expertise of Dr. Alan Zabriskie, a
          In fact, with a slight alteration of   through the other voices.  It becomes   director whom only serious university
          consciousness, I might just be able to   really complex very quickly, as you   music students would normally
          feel that I am still one of these college-  can imagine.  But the amazing thing   have the opportunity to train under.
          aged students myself, rather than one   is that these composers can turn this   Beyond his obvious mastery of
          of the old folks.                   incredibly complex note-crafting into   choral music and conducting, he has
                                              profoundly                           the unique ability to make us feel
          But here we are, from teenagers all   beautiful music,
          the way to men and women in their   so much so that,
          seventies and beyond, all giving    if you haven’t
          what we can to recreate something   been trained to
          immensely beautiful.
                                              listen critically,
          As I’m consciously focusing on      you might just
          learning the music we’re rehearsing   think all those
          tonight, there are other things going   notes were
          on in my mind.  How is it that I’m   just randomly
          here, doing this … at this stage of life?    chosen only for
          And why do I find this kind of singing   their composite
          such a deeply satisfying experience?    beauty.

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