Page 37 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 37

Exceptional                                                              EXCEPTIONAL SENIORS


     Remarkable Woman

            of  the South Plains

          Amanda Stephens

         by Laura Landes

                manda Stephens, a Speech-
                Language Pathologist (SLP)
         Abased in Lubbock, has recently
         received the prestigious "Remarkable   Along with the help of her board
         Women of the South Plains" Award.   members and sponsors, Amanda strives
         This recognition comes as no surprise to   to provide well-needed supplies and
         those who know her, as her dedication   equipment to enhance the quality of life
         to her profession, her community, and   for ALS patients in the West Texas area.
         her family is truly exceptional.    She was awarded $1000, to be donated
                                             to the charity of her choice.  Without
         Amanda was nominated by Valerie     hesitation, Amanda's chose the ALS
         Moreno, co-owner of Lake Ridge      Support Group.
         Chapel and Memorial Designers, and
         Eddie Fitzgerald, a long-time LRCMD   Juggling these commitments, alongside
         employee and officiant. Amanda's    her roles as a mother and wife, might
         impact extends far beyond the confines   seem daunting to some, but Amanda
         of her workplace, and she embodies the   takes it all in stride. Despite her busy
         spirit of service and compassion, making   schedule, she approaches each day with
         a meaningful difference in the lives of   grace and determination. Her ability to
         those she touches.                  balance multiple roles, while giving her
                                             all to each, speaks volumes about her   members, and loved ones, Amanda
         As a skilled SLP, she works tirelessly   character and priorities.  She has said on   Stephens exemplifies what it means to
         to improve communication and quality   multiple occasions that she enjoys her   be a Remarkable Woman of the South
         of life for individuals with speech   hectic life—because, if it were not, she   Plains. Her unwavering dedication,
         and hearing impairments. Amanda's   does not know what she would do with   compassion, and integrity serve as an
         commitment to her patients is evident.   herself!                        inspiration to us all, reminding us of the
         Her expertise and empathy shine                                          profound impact that one individual can
         through in her interactions, earning   What truly sets Amanda apart is the   have when they lead with their whole
         her the respect and gratitude of both   passion she brings to everything she   heart.
         patients and colleagues alike.      does. Whether she's working with
                                             patients, leading support groups,    In honoring Amanda with this
         But it is Amanda's dedication as a board   coordinating events to raise funds for   nomination, Valerie Moreno and Eddie
         member for Foster*A*Life, and one of   ALS, or spending time with her family,   Fitzgerald shine a spotlight on a woman
         the founders of the West Texas ALS   her heart is fully invested. Her genuine   whose contributions often go unsung
         (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Support   care and concern for others are evident   but whose influence is felt far and wide.
         Group, sponsored by Lake Ridge      in every interaction, leaving a lasting   She is a shining example of the best of
         Chapel, among many others, that truly   impact on those fortunate enough to   humanity, and her presence enriches the
         sets her apart. Using her knowledge,   know her.                         lives of so many.
         skills, and passion, she is a driving
         force within the ALS community.     As she continues to make a difference
                                             in the lives of her patients, community

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