Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 38

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

                          WEST TEXAS VETERANS CEMETERY

        Honor, Commemorate, Celebrate

         by Laura Landes

                              n our          community and those who desire to    this monumental space, the relationship
                              hometown       be a part of it is our Preneed Specialist,   manifesting between Lake Ridge
                            Iof Lubbock,     Jennifer Page. With her compassionate   Chapel and the managing parties for
                            Texas, a         demeanor, determination, and dedication,   the cemetery stands as a beacon of
                            profound sense   Jennifer has been instrumental in    solidarity and reverence. Together, we
                            of anticipation   assisting veterans in getting their final   are committed to honoring the legacy
                            fills the air for   wishes in writing for their families,   of veterans and ensuring that their final
                            veterans and their   as well as completing the necessary   journey is marked with dignity and
                            families, as plans   paperwork to secure their space in the   honor.
         for the West Texas Veterans Cemetery   new West Texas cemetery. Through her
         near fruition. At the heart of this   expertise, veterans have been able to   With the promise of completion of the
         anticipation stands a pillar of the local   navigate the complexities of preplanning   West Texas Veterans Cemetery on the
         community renowned for its commitment   with ease, ensuring that their wishes are   horizon, we encourage our veterans
         to honoring the departed with dignity   honored with precision and care.  to learn more about the many options
         and respect … Lake Ridge Chapel and                                      available to them. You proudly served us
         Memorial Designers. For many, including   Beyond the logistical aspects of   with honor and dignity. Now allow us to
         Lake Ridge Chapel, this forthcoming   interment, Lake Ridge Chapel       humbly serve you.
         cemetery represents not just a final   understands
         resting place, but a sacred tribute to those   the emotional
         who served with valor and distinction.  weight carried by
                                             veterans and their
         With a longstanding tradition of    families as they
         providing compassionate funeral services   contemplate their
         and memorialization, it is only natural   final arrangements.
         that Lake Ridge Chapel finds itself   With empathy
         intimately involved in this project as it   and sensitivity,   wisdom inspired senior education
         takes shape, forming relationships with   the Chapel's
         the managing parties so they may stand   team provides     A place for
         as a cornerstone of support and guidance   a supportive
         for our local veteran community,    environment            seniors to
         particularly in navigating the intricacies   where individuals
         of planning their final wishes and a final   can explore their   belong!
         resting place that is now close to home.  options and make
                                             decisions that         Join Lake Ridge’s W.I.S.E.
         For members of the veteran          resonate with          (Wisdom Inspired Senior
         community, securing a final resting   their values and     Education) group for
         place at this cemetery will carry   beliefs, all with      dinners, events, and
         profound significance. It is a gesture   the understanding   workshops on the 1  and 3                     ©2021 MKJ Marketing
         of remembrance, a testament to their   that their family   Tuesday of every month.
         unwavering commitment to duty, and   will be cared for
         a tribute to their sacrifices. Recognizing   long after their   Topics include:
         the importance of this endeavor, Lake   passing through   • Health & Wellness
         Ridge Chapel has extended a helping   our unsurpassed     • Safety & Prevention
         hand to veterans, guiding them through   Aftercare        • Changes As We Age
         the process of reserving their space in this   Programs.                              PRESENTED
         sacred area.                                                   Join us as we            LAKE RIDGE
                                                                                                  ha l &  emo ia   esigne
                                             As our community        continue to WISE up!
         One of the key figures helping to   looks forward to                                          (806) 698-8085
         facilitate this process for our Lake Ridge   the completion of   Event coordinator:
                                                                    Laura Landes

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