Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 36


          2. Applying a protective dressing: Covering the wound with   Skin tears are a significant concern in the elderly population
          a non-adherent dressing or silicone-based film can protect the   due to age-related changes in the skin and underlying health
          area from further trauma and promote a moist wound healing   conditions. By understanding the causes, implementing
          environment.                                         preventive measures, and providing appropriate treatment,
                                                               healthcare professionals can effectively manage skin tears and
          3. Managing pain: Administering analgesics or using topical   improve the quality of life for elderly individuals. Empowering
          agents to relieve pain associated with skin tears can improve   patients and caregivers with knowledge about skin care and
          patient comfort during the healing process.          injury prevention is crucial in reducing the incidence of skin
                                                               tears and promoting skin health in the elderly population.
          4. Promoting wound healing: Providing adequate nutrition,
          maintaining optimal hydration, and addressing underlying   If you experience a skin tear, come to Southwest Regional
          medical conditions can support the body's healing mechanisms   Wound Care Center, and we can help jumpstart the healing
          and facilitate wound closure.                        process.  We will treat your wound with our custom-
                                                               compounded antibiotic gel and set you up with supplies to
          5. Preventing infection: Monitor the wound for signs of   make sure your skin tear has the best chance of healing.
          infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or drainage, and
          administer antibiotics if necessary to prevent complications.
                                                                  Dr. Joseph Wolcott is a Certified Wound Specialist
          6. Educating patients and caregivers: Educating patients and   Physician with over 10 years of wound care experience.
          caregivers about proper wound care techniques, including   The Southwest Regional Wound Care Center bridges
          gentle handling and dressing changes, can help prevent   the gap between medicine and science to utilize the
          further injury and promote healing.
                                                                  most effective and innovative wound treatments.

                                                                      Your support allows us to provide mini-grants for equipment
                                                                        and services not covered by insurance, monthly support
                                                                        group meetings and education, as well as other support
                                                                         services that are necessary for battling this disease.

                                                                      For more information on how to support the West Texas ALS
                                                                                  Support Group, please visit

         Our place is

         by your side

          When someone faces a life-limiting illness, our
          compassionate clinicians offer comfort care alongside
          social and emotional support to help patients and
          their loved ones make the most of every moment.
          We’re here for you 24/7/365.

          (806) 748.1041
                                                          Scan QR code to go to

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