Page 77 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 77


                                    father’s tremendous       Texas Tech where she teaches upper-level courses like
                                    sacrifice. “The notes I took   “Sustainability of Global Food Supplies” and leads many
                                    in school were passed     graduate students in important research. From the TTU
                                    down and used by all ten   Nutritional Sciences website: “The overarching goal
                                    of my siblings.”          of my lab is. . . developing strategies to combat food
                                                              insecurity and the related complications.
                                    She attended Kenyatta
                                    University in Nairobi and   “My father saw what so many fathers in Africa didn’t:
                                    used the stipend from the   He wished for a bright future for his children, and he
         government to help pay for her
         siblings’ educations. She earned
         a degree in Home Economics
         Education for the purpose of teaching
         girls. She felt the need to repay her
         father’s sacrificial investment. Mary’s
         commitment to give back did not stop
         at her immediate family, but she was
         also aware of food insecurity in her
         community. She became fascinated
         with the subject of Nutrition and
         how to address the worldwide
         problem of food insecurity. Mary
         applied and was accepted by Loyola
         University’s Mundelein College in
         Chicago where she earned a B.S.
         in Dietetics/Nutrition. A master’s
         from Eastern Illinois University and
         a PhD from Iowa State were added
         to her credentials. She has served  YOU LOOKING FOR A WELL-MAINTAINED
         as Chancellor at Daystar University     HOME TO RENT?
         in Kenya, President of the Society
         for Nutrition Education and  DO YOU OWN ONE OR MORE HOMES AND NEED
                                                 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A WELL-MAINTAINED
         Behavior SNEB, Adjunct Professor  HONEST & RESPONSIVE PROPERTY
                                                             HOME TO RENT?
         at Hawassa University in Ethiopia,   MANAGEMENT COMPANY?
          and Head of the Community and         DO YOU OWN ONE OR MORE HOMES AND NEED
          International Nutrition Research         AN HONEST & RESPONSIVE PROPERTY
          Lab.                     W hether  y ou possess one or  m or e hom es
                                                        MANAGEMENT COMPANY?
                                  r equir ing exper t car e, or  y ou ar e needing a
          After a stint at Louisiana Tech   hom e to r ent, we’ve got y ou cover ed!
                                                 W hether  y ou possess one or  m or e hom es
                                     D iscover  our  pr oactive m anagem ent
          University, she was recruited by      r equir ing exper t car e, or  y ou ar e needing a
                                     appr oach that tr ansfor m s r entals into
                                                   hom e to r ent, we’ve got y ou cover ed!
                                     cher ished hom es for  r esidents while
                                                   D iscover  our  pr oactive m anagem ent
                                   safeguar ding the valuable investm ents of
                                                   appr oach that tr ansfor m s r entals into
                                                   cher ished hom es for  r esidents while
                                                 hom eowner s.
                                                 safeguar ding the valuable investm ents of
                                                             hom eowner s.
                                                GIVE US A CALL TODAY
                                                            GIVE US A CALL TODAY
                              PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DONE THE RIGHT WAY
                                              PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DONE THE RIGHT WAY

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