Page 75 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 75


        a resource center in Prague that needed to amass       Science professor and researcher at Texas Tech, and was
        microscopes and other science equipment for missionary   immediately captivated by her vision. When Michelle
        families homeschooling their children. Many of the     thought of Dr. Murimi, she begged us to “Tell her
        donations came from West Texas and were shipped        story instead of
        overseas in a large container. She remembers anxiously   mine.” Senior Link
        awaiting its arrival for six long weeks. When the doors   recognized the
        opened, a small gift from home, “a good ol’ West Texas   value of honoring
        tumbleweed” rolled out. Friends were puzzled by the    both influencers/
        tears in her eyes, but for Michelle, it represented a piece   educators. Don’t
        of home at the start of her new adventure.             miss Dr. Murimi’s
                                                               amazing story
        She continued her work with students from all over     that immediately
        Europe and the world, not just as a teacher, but also   follows this
        as an educational consultant for missionary families   one. Thank you,
        throughout the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia.   Michelle, for
        She coordinated college fairs in Budapest, Vienna,     continuing to
        Prague, Madrid, and other cities across Europe. She    teach, inspire, and
        conducted studies of many European public schools      point us toward
        to advise missionary families regarding the national   opportunities to
        schools.                                               serve.

        After 12 years of mission work, 2006 seemed like a good
        time to transition back to the States. This time, she’d be
        coming home, not to raise support, but to stay.
        Trinity Christian High School was happy to
        reinstate one of their favorite Science teachers.
        For the last 18 years, she taught Honors Biology
        and Honors A&P at TCHS where she also served
        as Freshman Class sponsor and coordinator for
        multiple mission trips, including to Poland and
        Israel. She completed that rewarding chapter of
        her life when she retired in 2023.

        Her former students have nothing but respect and
        admiration for Ms. Baxter. One student had this
        to say: “Michelle Baxter did not fit the stereotype
        of the traditional ‘sweet and precious’ Christian
        schoolteacher. She was comfortable with who she
        was—no pretense or facade. She was passionate
        about science and about her faith, without
        sounding ‘forced.’ She is the kind of real Christian
        I wanted to model my life after.” Interestingly,
        that student went on to earn a Biology degree
        from TTU.

        Since retiring, Michelle enjoys gardening, travel,
        deep sea fishing, and hopes to learn pickleball.
        Most notably, however, she has a new passion.
        It is the Top of the Hill Girls Secondary School in
        a village outside of Nairobi, Kenya. She became          On behalf of the alumni of Trinity  Christian High
                                                                      School, we would like to publicly thank
        acquainted with Dr. Mary Murimi, a Nutritional             Michelle Baxter for her tremendous influence,
                                                                          inspiration, and impact at TCHS.

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