Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 73


                                                                       Since then, she has joined them on 36 tours!  She
                                                                       has now traveled to or through all 50 states.  She
                                                                       still wants to travel to Mexico someday and see
                                                                       Copper Canyon.  Alaska was her favorite tour so
                                                                       far, but she loves visiting Washington, D.C., New
                                                                       York City, old schoolhouses, and discovering
                                                                       the history of all the destinations.  Peggy knows
                                                                       someone from somewhere on every trip!  They
                                                                       are usually friends from square dancing or from
                                                                       teaching for so many years.
                                  lived across the street from
                                  the school campus, and it    In 2013, something else special happened that changed her
        became difficult to be at the school without Doug, so Peggy   life. She met Franklin Dunn at a country western dance.
        retired in May after he passed.                        He finally asked for her phone number in 2016, and they
                                                               dated up until his 90th birthday party in June of last year.
        A few years later, Peggy learned to square dance. She made   They surprised everyone at the party and got married! No
        many new friends square dancing and traveling with the   one knew except the two of them and the preacher. Peggy’s
        group. Peggy’s friend, Kay Hobbs, who taught kindergarten   travel bug is contagious, and now Franklin has also joined
        in Gruver, moved to Lubbock and, in 2012, convinced Peggy   her on five trips so far with King’s Highway.
        to move here, too. Sadly, her friend died a few months
        before Peggy moved to Lubbock, but she stayed involved in   Another famous author once said, “To be able to touch
        square dancing in Lubbock and started substitute teaching   lives, and touch a life that you don’t even know, is
        as well.                                               an extraordinary thing.”  Peggy has left many lasting
        In October 2013, Peggy went on her first King’s Highway
        bus trip, on their fall foliage tour, and caught the travel bug.

                Tom Walters Inc.
                                                       Contact us for information on our day
                7511 68th St., Suite B
                                                           trips and tours or check out our
                Lubbock, TX  79407
                                                                   Like us on Facebook
                1-888-420-3188 fax             
                1-888-332-4315 toll

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