Page 80 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 80

Dell Brown                     A Career You Can

                                                               Bank On

                                                               by Ted Wilson

                                                            (killed in a tragic   training for the 105 Howitzers
                                                            accident at 17),     was no longer needed. As he
                                                            Tom, and sister      was stepping on the train to go
                                                            Nancy Vaughn.        to Korea to handle supplies, an
                                                            Dell attended first   MP stopped him and said he
                                                            grade at Running     wasn’t going to Korea, rather he
                                                            Water School near    was being assigned to Holloman
                                                            the draw, walking    AFB in Alamogordo, NM. Newly
                                                            the mile or so       wed to Patricia, they settled in
                                                            daily. He and        Holloman for two years. His
                                                            fellow first grader,   wife worked as secretary for two
                                                            Fred Keesee,         “secret” generals, who served as
                                                            passed a test at     undercover bosses monitoring
                                                            the end of their     activity on the base. Since Dell
                                                            term promoting       had taken bookkeeping and
                                                            them to the third    typing in high school, he was
                                                            grade, which sent    assigned to oversee the payroll
                                                            Dell to the Hooper   for the 600 personnel and
                                                            School south of      maintenance and supply records.
                                                            Quarterway, 14       His superiors recommended Dell
                                                            miles west of        for Officer Candidate School, but
                                                            Plainview as the     he was ready to return to civilian
                                                            only third grader.   life.
                                                            The family moved
                                                            to Halfway, where    He readily admitted that he
                                                            Dell attended        had not applied himself in high
                   ell Brown (Mr. Brown,                    fourth and           school, but he was encouraged
                   to me and my siblings),     fifth grades in Olton and sixth   by the OCS recommendation, so
            Deducated children and             through twelfth at Plainview.     he and Patricia enrolled at Texas
            mentored teachers as a teacher                                       Tech, both eventually earning
            and principal for over 38          After graduation, Dell tried      master's degrees. Dell’s dad
            years. On October 2, 2023, Dell    several jobs, including working   wanted him to become a banker,
            celebrated his 90th birthday       on a seismograph crew, keeping    but Dell decided to invest in
            with family, former students,      books at a gin, cutting steel,    children.
            colleagues, and friends. He is     ginning (for six weeks before     After graduation, the Browns
            still active and enjoys getting    breaking his arm), and rewinding   headed west to Redding,
            out and connecting with people     motors. Then came the draft       California where he taught fifth
            whenever he can.                   notice, but just a week before
                                               he was to report, the rod in his   and sixth grade children of folks
            Nine decades ago, Dell was         broken arm was removed. He        who worked in the orchards,
            born ten miles northwest of        told the Army that, since it would   sawmills, or mines. He would
            Plainview in the community         take six weeks before he would    have as many as 44 children
            of Running Water where his         be able to use his arm, they could   in a classroom, but Mr. Brown
            dad, “Doc,” farmed and later       take him then or leave him. Much   was good at it. He learned how
            served as county commissioner.     to his chagrin, they took him.    to partner with the parents of
            Mother, Lillian, took care of the                                    the children in their “mutual”
            family, including brothers Dick    Halfway into basic training, a    educations.
                                               truce ended the Korean War. His

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