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     Lasting                 Fingerprints

          Peggy Frick Dunn

         by Vickie Walters

             amous author, Judy Blume, once   with one of them, Mrs.
             said, “Our fingerprints don’t   Ellison, who also taught
        Ffade from the lives we touch.”      Peggy’s son, Aaron, in
        This quote encapsulates the person   first grade.
        Peggy Frick Dunn is to so many of
        her friends, family members, and     Peggy attended
        especially her former students. She   elementary, junior high,
        never meets a stranger.              and most of high school in Gruver.
                                             The family moved while she was
        Peggy Smith was born in Dumas,       in high school, and she ended up
        TX on September 4, 1951, the third   graduating from Booker High School.
        child of four.  Her father worked for   Her favorite teacher was Mr. Winger,
        Phillips, so she grew up mostly in   her fourth-grade teacher.  She shares a
        Sunray, Borger, and Pampa.  When     birthday with him and still wishes him
        she was seven years old, her family   a happy birthday every year!  After
        moved as her father transferred to the   becoming a teacher herself, she taught
        Sherhan Helium plant, 20 miles north   his daughter and granddaughters, too.
        of Gruver, TX and 15 miles south of                                      that summer to finish that degree. By
        Guymon, OK.  They lived in a camp    Peggy knew from a very early age    then they had two boys (Aaron and
        occupied by other employees and their   that she wanted to become a teacher.   Max) who were one and two years old
        families.  There were 80 houses in the   Her parents did not expect her to go   at the time. Her daughter, Bonnie, was
        Phillips camp, along with a Baptist   to college, but she wanted to teach,   born in 1989. They raised their family
        Church and a little grocery store, and   and it required a college degree.   as a coaching family, and now all three
        it was located on the Texas side, so   She first attended West Texas A&M   children are involved in some way
        they went to school in Gruver.  Over   University, where she met her future   with education.
        the years, there was plenty of playing   husband, Doug Frick. They met on a
        school and house, which instilled a   blind date and got married during her   Peggy loved everything about
        desire in Peggy to become a teacher   first semester of college. They both   teaching. In her first year, she taught
        someday.  Several teachers lived in the   paid their own way through college   Junior High math and High School
        camp, and years later, Peggy taught   and promised themselves that their   Algebra in Anna, TX. After that, most
                                                children would not have to do the   of her experience was in first and
                                                same someday.                    second grade. She loved the small
                                                                                 classes, enjoyed teaching some of
                                                Peggy graduated from North Texas   her former classmates’ children, and
                                                State University in 1973, as Doug   misses the students and their stories
                                                had taken a job in Denton after   now that she is retired. She taught 30
                                                he graduated from WTAMU. Her     years total, with 24 of those years in
                                                very first teaching contract was for   Gruver.
                                                $6000 a year! Six months before
                                                she finished her master's degree,   In 2002, Doug, her husband of almost
                                                they moved back to Gruver, from   32 years, died of a sudden heart
                                                where Peggy drove to Commerce    attack while mowing their lawn. They

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