Page 74 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 74



          International Science

          Teacher on a Mission

                  Michelle Baxter

          by Jane Bromley

               ecently retired teacher and    Christian Elementary and High
               coach Michelle Baxter is the   School, Michelle was awarded a
         Rpicture of health. Her big          basketball scholarship at Abilene
         smile and easy laughter portray an   Christian University where she      Komensky Academy—a school for
         easy-going personality, but as her   graduated with a Bachelor's in      missionary families. For two years,
         life story unfolds, a picture emerges   Education in 1982. She went on to   she taught Biology, Chemistry, and
         of a life guided by passion and      earn a master's from Texas Tech, also   Anatomy & Physiology. The West
         purpose.                             in Education.
                                                                                  Texas teacher’s worldview began to
         Like many of us, Michelle was        She has acquired a reputation as a   change as she witnessed firsthand
         born in Lubbock’s Methodist          phenomenal Science teacher. When    the former communist country
         Hospital. Her father Robert was a    asked what inspired her in that     anxiously testing its newfound
         hard-working cotton farmer, and      direction, Michelle said it just grew   freedom.
         her mother LaVonne, a longtime       out of a fascination with the human   Michelle returned to Texas in 1996.
         LISD school librarian. After a       body. Multiple sports injuries led to   “I needed to make preparations
         ”sports-centered” childhood and      lots of physical therapy which led to   to stay long term. I had to raise
         foundational education at Lubbock    an interest in the biological sciences.
                                                                                  support, get connected with a
                                              Her first job was in Plainview where   mission organization (Greater
                                              she taught 6th grade science and    Europe Mission), and collect
                                              math for two years. Her career      resources for the educational
                                              moved her to Lubbock where she      resource center.” That's when she
                                              taught P.E. at Wolffarth Elementary   was first hired at Trinity Christian
                                              and Mahon Elementary between        High School to teach Biology, A&P,
                                              1985 and 1994. That's when things   and Junior High science, which she
                                              really began to get interesting. She   did for three years. In 1999, Michelle
                                              was invited to help with a church   returned to the Komensky Academy
                                              plant for two weeks in the summer   which had merged with the British
                                              of 1994, employing a curriculum     Riverside School of Prague. During
                                              that taught English through the     that time, she also began to work
                                              Bible, and people were pouring      with the S.H.A.R.E. organization,
                                              in the doors. The Berlin Wall had   a part of GEM, whose goal was
                                              come down and the country of        to meet the educational needs of
                                              Czechoslovakia was open for the     missionary families.
                                              first time since WWII. Soon after,   Michelle was already responsible
                                              Michelle was invited to serve in    for raising her support when she
                                              Prague, Czech Republic at the
                                                                                  assumed the huge task of managing

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