Page 81 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 81


                                                                      and faster.  As a teacher, he would group
                                                                      students in ways that would encourage them to
                                                                      develop friendships and thrive.

                                                                      In October 2018, Dell and his brother, Tom, were
                                                                      both honored to attend the South Plains Honor
                                                                      Flight to Washington D.C. Dell still serves on
                                                                      the Plainview Cemetery Board where he helped
                                                                      secure flag poles and flags to honor veterans.
                                                                      Even at 90, he continues to find ways to respect
                                                                      his fellow humans.
                                                                      Most all who walked the halls of Mr. Brown’s
                                                                      schools found a man who genuinely cared about
                                                                      his students, staff, and parents. He did not
                                                                      become a conventional banker like his dad had
             Mr. and Mrs. Brown returned to Plainview where           hoped, but he chose to invest in something more
             they were employed by Plainview ISD for nearly four   precious than money. Dell Brown has made a career
             decades. Patricia taught High School English, then   of being a lifelong lover of people who continues to
             later became the High School Guidance Counselor.    encourage others and treat everyone as a friend.
             Dell became Mr. Brown to students at Hillcrest
             Elementary in 1960, later principal at Lamar, back
             to Hillcrest in 1968, and then Ash Elementary
             from 1975 until he sort-of retired in 1991. When
             the district set up an alternative school, he taught
             for two more years. He also taught student
             teachers at Wayland University, Sadly, after
             almost 65 years of marriage and mothering the
             couple’s two children, Kassandra and Kelly,
             Patricia died in April 2018.

             His acknowledgement of being a less-than-stellar
             academic high school student himself helped
             Mr. Brown to recognize signs in the students
             he taught. He knew how to encourage and
             motivate students, even the tough disciplinary
             and academically struggling ones, and he
             encouraged his teachers to do the same. He used
             a Toastmasters’ discipline of speaking on a subject
             for three minutes, encouraging students to speak
             on a subject for one minute until they became
             confident. Instead of having teachers spending
             excess time on written evaluations, he encouraged
             them to read their students’ body language to
             see if they were “getting it.”  He wouldn’t allow
             teachers to take work home, encouraging them                      Serving the Lubbock
             to invest that time with their families. He taught              community since 1950.
             them to be concise, to use a “jig” to check answers   We pride ourselves in making our home and surrounding
             whenever possible, and to do their work better       communities a more beautiful and functional place to live.
                                                                |  806.799.3677  | 5104 34th Street

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