Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 56


              Thomas Reynolds


              with Purpose

              by Emme Hocker

                   r. Reynolds is unlike any   Born in Midland, Texas Mr. Reynolds   third-generation college students.
                   teacher I have encountered   is familiar with the West Texas   His friends encouraged him to think
          Mduring my educational              landscape. His parents owned their   about his future. Mr. Reynolds
           career. If this article can give even the   own business in Midland when   took the SAT because that’s what
           slightest insight into how incredible   he was growing up. They faced   his friends were doing and then
           of an educator and human being he   hardships due to Midland’s reliance   started applying to colleges with
           is, then it will have accomplished   on the oil and gas economy. No one   little understanding of the process.
           my goal. Thomas Reynolds is an     in his family had attended college,   However, even with a lack of
           International Baccalaureate Teacher   and therefore, he had not thought   direction, Mr. Reynolds ended up
           at Lubbock High School who         about going to college until he got to   attending Texas Tech University,
           teaches World Topics and Theory of   high school. Mr. Reynolds attended   double majoring in History and
           Knowledge. He is also the Octathlon   Robert E. Lee High School (now   German.
           and Decathlon Coach, having great   Midland Legacy) where many of
           success each year.                 his classmates would be second- or

          Article Submitted by
          Mary Elizabeth “Emme” Hocker                                 LUBBOCK HIGH

            Mary Elizabeth “Emme” Hocker is the daughter of Heather and The Honorable Mark
            Hocker. She is a senior at Lubbock High School where she is a Diploma Candidate in
            the International Baccalaureate program; Captain of the Varsity Tennis Team; Vice-
            President of the Student Body; and member of National Honor Society, Student Council,
            and the Mock Trial Team. Emme is a founder of the Lubbock High Ping Pong Club and
            has helped organize walks to raise awareness for suicide prevention. She is a three-time
            Lubbock ISD Scholar and has received several Outstanding Academic Achievement awards. She chairs the Volunteer
            Center of Lubbock’s Youth for Impact program and was a finalist for the YWCA Youth Leadership Award. She has
            volunteered with National Charity League for six years and is a Lubbock Symphony Guild Deb. Emme is one of two
            Outstanding Youths for the Lubbock Lions Club and received their “Dick Van Hoose Memorial Outstanding Youth
            Intern” scholarship. She is a member of Lubbock’s First United Methodist Church and participates in Young Life. After
            graduation, Emme plans to attend the University of Virginia or the University of Texas to study International Affairs.

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