Page 39 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 39


            Article Submitted by
            Cade Franklin                                                 FRENSHIP HIGH

                 Cade Franklin is a senior at Frenship High School. He competes in cross-country
                 and track and is a manager for the Unified track team. His parents are Curtis and
                 Redina Franklin. When he graduates, he plans to attend Texas Tech University to
                 pursue a career in dentistry.

             Mrs. Carder taught for 26 years with 18 of those years   Although the life lessons I gained through Mrs. Carder’s
             teaching in the Gifted and Talented program at Frenship   influence began 13 years ago, I have continued to look
             ISD. “I have the best job in the world!” she would say when   outside the box and think creatively. I also learned that one
             asked about her job. “I get to teach and challenge students   individual can have an impact on the lives of so many others,
             at a higher level, while inspiring them to incorporate   and I have been able to do that with my annual shoe drive.
             more creativity into the lessons.” Inspired by two of her   Her GT program has not only prepared me for my upcoming
             elementary teachers who taught with a hands-on approach   classes and projects but has also provided me with lessons I
             while encouraging research and problem-solving along with   will carry with me beyond school.
             creative thinking, Mrs. Carder developed her vision of what
             kind of teacher she wanted to be. A multitude of students
             who had the opportunity to be part of Mrs. Carder’s
             GT class would agree that they became more confident
             in their thinking and creativity due to her passion and

             Year after year, Mrs. Carder poured herself into new
             exciting ideas for the kinds of projects we would do.
             Because they were never traditional lessons, like in our
             normal curriculum classes, these projects often came at
             an expense that was never fully funded by the school. As
             students, we saw how Mrs. Carder’s passion stretched
             her and the other GT teachers to find ways to fund our
             projects. Mrs. Carder would write grants that awarded
             the program the dollars required to fund the many
             projects the GT program did. What a great example this
             set for us to seek ways to do the things we are passionate

             Creativity is not only something Mrs. Carder encouraged
             in others while she taught but also is part of who she
             is. In 2012, she illustrated a book, and she continues to
             sharpen her creative skills today in her retirement. After
             retiring in 2022, she and her husband, Mark, moved to
             Cañon City, Colorado, with their Goldendoodle, Archie.
             While enjoying everything outdoors, she makes time
             to paint. She does watercolor paintings of nature and
             wildlife using vibrant colors. Art brings her great joy.

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